View Full Version : feeling trapped of air HELP

05-04-05, 15:25

im so so scared i feel as though i cant feel myselft breathing i cant feel air going up mu nose when i breathe up im so scared that there is something wrong with my nose. will this feeling ever go away? should i go to the doctor to have my nose checked out or is it part of anxiety? i almost feel like im somothered and that im trapped behind something thats not letting me take a breath of air and feel it? can anyone please help im so so distressed i cant do a thing! i just lay back and its all i think about right at this moment im shaking!

caz x

05-04-05, 15:59
I think that the feelings your getting is a case of anxiety...you MUST be breathing okay try to focus on something other than your breathing.

Try anything even if it seeing how many items you can find in you home beginning witha a certain letter...i KNOW that this is not an easy time for you but if you just try to concentrate on something else you WILL find things settle down.[:O]

05-04-05, 16:37
Hi Caz,

Try the things we talked about earlier.
You must try to take your mind off this. As Della said, sitting thinking about it will make the feeling worse. It doesnt matter how you do it, but you need to distract yourself.
Many of us have been through this, you are not alone. Taking your mind off what you are feeling is going to help.
Dont let it scare you.

Take care
Jude x

05-04-05, 16:43
hi Caz,

You need to try to forget about it!! Try to distract yourself and soon you will realise that you haven't thought about it in ages and that you didn't even notice youre breathing. It is just your anxiety getting the better of you!!

Sarah :D

05-04-05, 16:51
hi thanx everyone for ur replies, its not that i dont think im breathing i know i am even tho i cant feel it! its just the sensation of me not able to feel the air that i am breathing and that feeling is scaring me and i dont know how to cope wi it or why im not feeling the air??? is d/p anything to do with this?

caz x

05-04-05, 23:04
hi caz,
i know what you mean about not being able to feel the air. one of the reasons i like rescue remedy is that whenever i spray it into my mouth it helps me to feel my throat - i also suck mints, for some reason this enables me to feel the air going down my throat and into my lungs.
sounds mental, but it might work! i think ultimately you need to try and not think about it, but i know that's easier said than done.
take care,
henri x

06-04-05, 19:37
Do you feel air coming down out of your nose?Hold your fingers under your nose. close your mouth and breathe out. Any air?


06-04-05, 22:30
Hi Caz

I know how we focus too much on problems when we are feeling anxious but you are still breathing and will carry on to breath. Keep talking to us and we will help you get through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-04-05, 08:40

nomorepanic i tried and yes i do feel air coming out wen i hold my finger under but i cant feel it go up wen i breathe up? should i be able to feel my breathe i cant remember? help! this is gettin on top of me so much

07-04-05, 08:51
I can't feel air going up either so it must be perfectly normal so you are fine ok?

Try not to let it worry you so much - it is normal breathing that you are doing.


07-04-05, 09:23

yeh but arnt u supposed to feel it wen u take a deep breathe in? it just feels different and not right.

07-04-05, 09:37
HI Caz,

You have been with us on the forum for a full week and have been worrying about the not feeling the breaths for all of those days.

In these 7 days you will have taken about 120, 960 breaths.

Many of these would have been when you were asleep and not worrying about them at all and the rest during the day.

Each of them will have been a sucessful breath bringing into your lungs oxygen and removing carbon dioxide and doing it very efficiently too.

Whether you feel each, some or all the breaths doesn't matter one little bit.

What matters is that it's happening regularly and effectively which is clearly is.

People with respiratory disorders who do struggle for every breath really feel their breath and wish they didn't. The more automatic it is and the less you feel it the better.

This has nothing to do with DP - this is your current anxiety.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

07-04-05, 13:43
hi i dont feel any of my breathes thats what the problem is and i dont know why. i know your not ment to feel them as ur not ment to be thinking of them but i cant feel it wen i am thinking of them? jus want to know why and all i want is to feel a breathe then i can forget about it.

07-04-05, 13:46
I don't know what you mean by can't feel a breathe?

It is not something that you feel as such surely?


07-04-05, 13:49
i cant feel any air go up my nose and it feels warm and suffocated wen i try to breate up. take a deep breathe through your nose what do u feel? sorry im going on about this i jus want to get sorted i apprieciate all help. thanx

07-04-05, 16:19
I do not feel anything going up my nose when I breathe in deeply.

07-04-05, 17:21
its weird why do i feel like this? it doesnt feel right yet this is suppose to be normal cant understand why its so distressing! why have i become obsessed with air and feeling for it and not having a feeling of my breathe?

07-04-05, 19:12
Caz - it is because you are focusing on it and therefore feeding it with all the fuel it needs to keep making you anxious.

It will go in time- just try to forget about it. Do something constructive and take your mind off it.

When is the doc's appointment?


08-04-05, 08:22
hi the docs appointment was yesterday he said that air was going in and out of my nose fine with no obstruction. but why do i still feel like this its so frustrating! its like i want to feel air going up it but i cant why is that? everyone is saying they cant feel it go up i cant understand where this thought and feeling came from that i need to feel it. its like i want to feel it go right into me for some reason its a terrible feeling.

08-04-05, 08:23
what if im stuck feeling like this forever? r u sure u feel nothing go up even wen u think about it?