View Full Version : sleep disturbances worried am going mental

miss diagnosis
10-05-08, 14:38

sorry this post is going to sound crazy but im worried about something that happened twice now.

ive been asleep and dreaming but have woken up and started shouting at my partner then gone back to sleep.

last night was the worst cos i was dreaming was in the apprentice (i dont even watch it) and i had to pass a task. I was shaking my boyfriend and telling him he had to do everythin i said. then i turned around and went back to sleep.I remember doing this but i have no idea if i was asleep or awake.
He said it to me this morning. Im really freaked there is something wrong with my brain...or what happens if im doing something horrible in a dream and start acting it out for real? Am I schizophrenic?

10-05-08, 14:55
Hi... no your definitely not schizophrenic, my husband does the same thing when he is under a lot of stress, he talks to me in his sleep... he usually has some recollection of the conversation the next day but what he says rarely makes sense and if it does its always out of context so must be about somethin he is dreaming about....i really wouldn't worry about it.. when we sleep restlesly we can drift from REM sleep to deep sleep on and off thru the night so we are often somewhere between being alseep and being awake and we talk about dreams cos we between the two...its a bit wierd for the person being talked too but really harmless....if you have been under a bit of stress i would say its more than normal and you will stop doing it when you are sleeping more soundly...
Take care

miss diagnosis
10-05-08, 16:38
omg bluebell. thanks for telling me about ur hubby.i was getting really freaked out.fell better now. have been verys stressed

10-05-08, 17:30

My son does it alot! Please don't worry chicken!!


10-05-08, 18:04
No you're not schizophrenic. I asked my doctor that at Christmas when I thought I was going mad and he said if you were schizophrenic you wouldn't be asking that question as you would believe you were fine. So don't worry, it'll pass.
Andrea xx

milly jones
10-05-08, 18:19
hey my husband one got up in the night farrowed the pigs and went back to bed, with no recollection in the morning!

He regularly answers me in bed, but is fast asleep, or so he says lol.

Stress does funny things to our bodies.

like the others said, dont worry hun,

take care

milly xxx

11-05-08, 00:41
"He said if you were schizophrenic you wouldn't be asking that question as you would believe you were fine."
Spot on there.
I was treated for depression in a mental hospital a few years back, and had to come face to face with schizophrenics, and trust me, you could tell they were a mile off.
We all do funny things in our sleep, and anxiety and PA's affects our sleep a lot too. Trust me it's nothing to worry about, and it'll pass.
Take care,
