View Full Version : Worry about changes in routine?

10-05-08, 18:48
I have been worrying about changes in my routine like if I am going mad. I have took a bigger interest in football over the last few months and a few other changes, Like starting a new job next week and going to night clubs or pubs more. I've went a few months last year just staying in.

I have just been worrying I am going mad. I end up getting obsessive and end up being fussy If i take a picture at the football or the night out and think its not me like depersonalisation. I end up worrying If i am more confident or changes in my mood..or if i am happier some days than others, and bad days I gear going mad and even reading stuff on here makes me worry what if i end up that way.

Does anybody else feel this way with any change? :ohmy: I feel I am not being me..it sounds daft.