View Full Version : yet another breasty one

10-05-08, 21:17
H all,
Really worrid as have a sore left breast its along the side where you get t before a period im due on in a week but have had this for nearly a week.
It seems to hurt more once ive free'd me boobs out of their bra and of course its not helping with the prodding and poking I've had 2 showers already today to check for lumps but cant find anything obvious think i'll have another one in a bit just to make sure.
My breasts have always been quite lumpy and they are not small by a long shot they seem to have filled out abit the last week aswell.

My mum died of breast cancer when I was 17 she got t the 1st tme when she was about 43 and I was 3 or 4.
Do I hold out and see if it settles once my period has been or should I go next week to see my doctor.??????

11-05-08, 13:11
hi im same atm ,so please dont worry im sure it is just cos of time of month nearly here , take care

11-05-08, 14:47
hi kate,
im same as you hun, terrible pain for 2/3 weeks of the month!!! plus lumps big and small, have driven myself balmy with worry!!! so your totally not alone, dont go having more showers coz youll make yourself really sore!! this is normaal b4 your period.. try typing breast in the search box and youll see loads of topics on this, helped me loads.
becca xx

11-05-08, 14:59
Hi Kate

I get like this too and I know how worrying it can be. My mam died of breast cancer when I was 12, so I know exactly where you are coming from. I have a real fear of getting the same disease. I've only got two years to go and I'll be the same age as her when she died. I know this is going to be a hard time for me.
It's very probably just your period. My GP said to me that your body isn't clockwork, you may get slight variations from month to month. Your bra may bee too tight, have you been properly measured? This is quite common so I've heard.
And there's also the other possibility, could you be pregnant? Don't panic though I'm sure it will settle down after your period. Think about checking if you're wearing right sized bra if it doesn't go away as your size can change. If you're still worried don't hesitate to see your doctor or the nurse at your practice that's what they're there for.

Remember with your mam's sad death you are bound to be over sensitive about this area and if you're like me will always be looking out for the signs that it's happening to you. I think this is natural, don't see everything as a bad sign if you can, until you've ruled out the rest of the stuff.

Take care
Andrea xxx

11-05-08, 20:22
I also get boob pains down the side and one side is always worse than the other, last night I didn't sleep and my boob hurt and it felt hard, but I should be used to it but of course I was thinking the worst.
I think this can happen all sorts of times during the month and some months worse than others.
Can sympathise though as it must be so worrying knowing your mum died of it.
I am sure you are fine and go docs just for peace of mind. Don't make yourself sore by prodding too much.

take care x

12-05-08, 08:50
This is very common and hormonal. My right breast, down the outer quadrant always get very sore then some months it doesn't bother me. It really is just the hormones doing their stuff.

12-05-08, 21:34
Thanks for the replys guys.
andie:- I thought about the pregnancy thing myself today cause I have also developed heartburn but that could be over indulging in barbie food over the weeekend. Think I will do a test tommorow just to rule it out (got 5 and so sure im done) hope not as im on ciprilex. Really sure I cant be oh no im panicing now :wacko: Sure im just due a bad month with my period.
Will keep you all posted

12-05-08, 21:54
im new to this site,just want to reassure you,at the moment i am paniking over somthing different,but i have been here worrying about my boobs for the past three years,i am 30 years old and convinced myself i had breast cancer.i went to my dr who referred me to the hospital for a breast scan which came back absolutely fine,but i conxtantly worried about it,did theyt miss something etc,etc,.i was poking and prodding my boobs all day every day and they were so sore,i have a lump in my left breast it is still there now, it gets bigger and more painful 2 weeks before my period then it goes down again when my period has finished,i have finally (i think) realised that after a scan,a breast specialist,3 drs at my practice and the practice nurse looking and feeling it that it is fine.im positive yours is too,please try not to worry about it i know that is easy to say but i am sure it is just your hormones.

take care

12-05-08, 22:43
I know that finding a lump is super scary and thought I would share this.
I had a lump a while back and had to have mammogram and ultrasound to rule out cancer.
The doctor then told me that 9 times out of 10 a lump due to cancer doesn't hurt.
Then I started in my Anatomy class for nursing and we studied about the tissue and abnormalities of the breast and basically when there is a lump that is sore it is usually caused by either a swollen duct - which will swell and be painful but isn't anything to be alarmed about or it could be what is called Fibrocystic areas in your breast. As we age the tissue in our breasts thicken due to the continued multiplication of cells. This can cause either an entire area - say around the outside for example - to be sore and feel lumpy. Hormone changes is what causes the changes and that is why some women have pain in their breasts around their period. Also some medications and even fluid retention from too much caffiene or salt can trigger changes in the tissue of the breast.
Sorry to bore you all with medical stuff but I thought it might help to releave some of your anxiety :)
Still any lump should be checked but only a really small percentage of lumps are cancerous.