View Full Version : Glass in eye, needle in foot, acid in eye....etc etc

10-05-08, 23:18
:shrug: Does anyone else have a major panic about things like this; today I just stirred my tea, and squeezed the tea bag with my spoon (ceramic handle), the handle snapped in half and now I am panicing that a shard from the handle may be wedged in my eye - I can't see anything but now I am obsessively checking and worrying, it may be embedded behind my eye

Other such panics I have are around needles - If I ever use one, I panic it has got into my foot, so I have to analyse my foot to see if there are any puncture marks.....then I can't get to sleep as think a needle is swimming to my heart.

Similarly when I use paint, or the like, I am worried it has gotten into my eye and I will be blinded....

10-05-08, 23:41
hey fairyloveheart, you aint alone hun xx im not qualified to say but i suffered ocd and was like the same but dont mean you have ocd might just be hypervigilance. If I was walking I kept feeling jabs in my foot (all in the mind) cos i was scared of discarded syringes being left outside. I used to backtrack and check to make sure there wasnt no needle (even in town centre) i also have been scared ive got something in my eye or a pollutant etc you aint alone hun and it wont last forever. xx

11-05-08, 00:28
If I had china in my eye, would it bleed??? V worried

11-05-08, 09:36
hi Fairy, if you had something in your eye it would be agony. My son had a piece of metal the size of a pinhead in his eye once and was rolling around the floor in pain, trip to a&e sorted it though I am sure there is nothing in there otherwise you would know about it.:yesyes:
Take care:bighug1:

11-05-08, 17:25
OMG i thought i was the only one!! My major fear is glass, if i break one i have to clean from top to bottom, then shower and wash all my clothes. I am convinced it will get inside me and cause damage. Rationally i know you would know if you had been cut but it still stresses me out so much,

anx xx

11-05-08, 18:12
I'm glad it isn't just me.... Thanks for the replies...