View Full Version : Here we go again

11-05-08, 08:08
I have just this second woken up, and already I feel anxious and panicky...AAAAAAAARH!! When will I stop feeling like this!! This is definitely a condition in itself...want it to stop!!

11-05-08, 11:43
Hi PanicsaLot,

Wanting it to stop is a great way to start your recovery.
Getting it to stop is the hard part.
Set yourself a target of bringing changes into your life,one day at a time.
Challenge the anxious thinking-logically break it down and analyse it.Write your feelings down if it helps.Don't give in to it.
Distract yourself-you get up,it's a beautiful day so take advantage of it. Enjoy the sunshine,put some music on,go for a walk,ring a friend.Just do anything which takes your focus away from the anxiety.
Doing this one day at a time allows you to build up a reservoir of positive experience which will lead to recovery.
Keep believing in yourself.
Best wishes,

11-05-08, 22:36
Thanks Chalky, I did get out and about, and I had a few glitches but mainly I was okay, however I'm lying in bed now feeling like I have pressure in my head and that it might explode...argh! Here we go again...roll on work tomorrow...ARGH!! x

12-05-08, 00:03
I feel just like u.

I hate it, i have the pressure in the head, im fed up of this

love mandie x

12-05-08, 12:08
I'm sitting at work with the room spinning...wasn't feeling particularly anxious either...urgh!! Really feeling like I'm about to die, as I don't get how I can get dizzy for no reason...x

12-05-08, 15:37
One thing I found out is that you need to stop hating it before it goes away. In fact, hating it just makes it worse.

12-05-08, 16:37
Thank you...that makes a lot of sense...I guess I need to change my mind set, just so difficult...how did you do it?x

12-05-08, 17:11
I decided to treat it like a broken arm. One day I sat down and concentrated really hard on head pressure. I examined it in my mind, worked out where it was coming from and thought about it really hard.

Then I decided to call it my "broken head". I decided I had a broken head and that it would fix itself in time and that everything would be OK - just like a broken arm. I figured that if I had a broken arm it would bug me, but wouldn't kill me, and that I'd get on with life all the same.

So then I got on with it. It was hard - I was used to being scared of it and at first I was still hating and being scared of it but gradually as I kept thinking of it as my "broken head" it healed.

Give it a whirl.

12-05-08, 21:43
Thank you for your advice, it's something I've not tried before so I will definitely give it a go. Thank you.x