View Full Version : chat room needs to be saved!!!!

11-05-08, 09:28
Hi everyone

I haven't been in the chat room for about two weeks intil yesterday evening when I was shocked to discover how distressed it is making some of our members. Or should I say how distressed the minority are making the majority in chat. I'm really upset as I made friends with someone a few weeks ago, I won't say who because that would'nt be fair, and this person is going to stop using chat as it is making them ill. They are wary of being in there in case certain people come into chat and this in itself is making them panic. JUST WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!!

Come on guys, we are going to lose this invaluable service if we don't stop this ridiculous behaviour. Why does it seem that some people are intent on sabbotaging some thing that so many of us rely on in times of high anxiety and amidst a panic attack. If you want to cause problems for people please find another chat site where people aren't feeling so vulnerable. It is downright SICK to make other people feel so bad.

I really don't know the circumstances and I don't know who is involved and I'm not asking to know, all I'm saying is fair's fair. The majority of us came here for genuine reasons and we find comfort and support here with like minded people. Those of you who are using this site for whatever other reason should really find something else to do with there time because I for one do not want chat to be closed down.

And to my on-line friend, you know who you are, please if it's making you that bad stay away for a bit till things calm down. Look at the posts and even write your own. The games are excellent if you're having a panic attack and you are welcome to E- mail or pm me any time. If you are in chat and 'those' people whoever they are log in then just log out, don't even get into a conversation with them. Take someone you are talking to into private chat if you need to talk, but don't let this stop you carrying on the progress that you were making with your anxiety. Please, please please don't let a minority of people stop you from moving on. We are not all like that.

:bighug1: hugs for my unnamed friend

Andrea xx

11-05-08, 11:24
Hi Andrea,

If you ,or any another member of the Forum,has concerns about the behaviour of anyone in the Chat Room,please report this to an Administrator.
Behaviour which breaches the rules of Chat will not be tolerated.
Matters can be reported by anyone in complete confidence by PM or e-mail to an Administrator and will be thoroughly investigated.
Chat is NOT closing and will not be closing.
Best wishes,

11-05-08, 11:47
Thanks Chalky for putting my mind at rest as I really find chat a help. Sorry for the rant I just think it's awful that people have been made to feel so bad. I've never had any problems myself but then I'm not on that much.
I think it is up to those who have had problems to speak up to the administrators to get these problems sorted out and then we can all carry on getting the benefit from such a worth while service.

Sorry again for the rant, I just don't like people to be upset unnecessarily.

Andrea xx

11-05-08, 15:03
Hi Andie:D

The admin team are aware of the problems and it is being dealt with so please feel free to use chat as usual:yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-05-08, 15:32
I really can't believe that there is still trouble in the chat room. Poor Nic has already posted to say how much all this is affecting her :weep:

If this continues then I feel sure that Nic will take chat away from the site. It does the site no good whatsoever and it certainly doesn't help Nic with her own problems. She is, after all, a sufferer the same as everyone else.


11-05-08, 15:58
I agree Kate

I kind of wish I hadn't had such a major rant this morning. It's not really like me to do that. It wasn't even me who had the prolems I'm just sick of reading about it. I think it's such a shame that some people seem to be spoiling it for everyone else. We are all meant to be here for the same reasons and therefore we should be more sensitive to others feelings. After all I thought chat was a place for light hearted discussion to distract yourself from anxiety and not feel so alone in the world.
I'm sooooo sorry for going on about it. Please everyone I'm not a trouble maker, I just felt so bad that someone was feeing panicky because ofother people in chat.

Andrea xx

11-05-08, 16:19

A lot of the problems are being caused by one user who was banned from NMP and he keeps re-registering to get back in.

We have implemented stricter rules about chat now - you cannot go in unless you have been a member for 30 days.

This should prevent the idiots who spoil it in there for others.

Please let me know if you have any concerns about any member and it will be looked into I assure you.

11-05-08, 20:39
What a shame about chat, when I first joined it was a lifesaver, no one seemed to fall out .xx

11-05-08, 23:16
On my hosting which uses cpanel, I can ban a particular IP address from accessing the site. You can also do the same using htaccess. If the person then decides to use a proxy, then you just ban proxies. The only option left to that person then is to change their ISP, which is not really worth it.

Flashchat is a chat program that I use and it can block an IP address. It's only £5 quid, and works well.