View Full Version : twitching in head

11-05-08, 15:53
This is seriously freaking me out today and yes I even Googled but can't find anything for it!

My head started to twitch today by me temple and it's sent me into a flat panic attack...pity it was a good weekend up until now, now I am at full panic station!!

has anybody had something similar in the head I get twitching everywhere else but this one just scares me silly. Now it is a little sore, but I imagin thats because I have been pressing it, but my mind thinks it is something else!!! grrrr



11-05-08, 17:29
Yes, last November I had something very similar to you. "Twitching" in head was the only way to describe it to people - like an electrical shock running through the center of my brain. I assure you, it's probably just elevated anxiety. Mine was (100%) and when I calmed down, it went away.

See a doc if you need to put your mind at ease. He/she will probably tell you the same.


11-05-08, 18:32
Hi Jane

Just seen your post, yes i too have the head twitching feeling, i would describe it like a pusle that makes u feel dizzy weird, are you on any medication?

The reason i ask this is i am on Seroxat (Paroxetine) and if i forget to take my tablet one day i get this, about 2 years ago i also got it when i cut down my dose of seroxat,

Let me know how you get on, take care

love from Claire xxxx

12-05-08, 08:23
Thank you for your replies, not on any medication though after nights like last night I sometimes think I should be!!! this morning I feel terrible all because I thought if I closed my eyes something was going to go wrong, I am so tired of thinking this I wish it would go away!

Now today I am just depressed with my head pains and the doctors don't really care. never mind