View Full Version : Dunno what to do..

11-05-08, 16:04
Im in an awful situation. I went back to work the other day (im only part time) and I felt better than I have in ages. I can only work a couple of days once in a while though coz my partner works so much. My anxiety is caused by looking after my twin girls all the time. I get very little help and I have severe PND.
I cant go back to work full time because we cant afford to live on my wages alone and chidcare is out of the question.
I feel like running away. I even tried to hang myself a while ago.
I sometimes feel like I hate my children and I would rather someone else take them. I resent them for causing all this upset in my life. Im at a loss at what to do.
Ive spoken to my GP and he just prescribes anti depressants which have a really bad effect on me.

11-05-08, 16:10
Hi hun :hugs:

I think you need to go back to your GP - maybe you need to change your anti depressants if they are making you worse.

Have you seen a counsellor? Maybe this would benefit you as you can sit and talk to someone about your feelings without fear of being judged, or upsetting anyone. I found counselling a godsend just because I felt so alone and isolated at the time, and it was so nice to be able to vent at someone!

Keep well hun :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

11-05-08, 16:18
I see a psychotherapist. This is an ongoing problem which I cant seem to resolve. Im sick of it. I have an appointment with the psychiatrist at the end of the month to review my meds etc.

11-05-08, 17:17
Oh Kaz the twins have not caused all this upset, it hormones, they have got themselves in a pickle and need help to get back to normal. I don't know how old the twins are I will assume they are under 12 months, they really do need their mummy right now. You really must tomorrow (monday) phone your gp if you cannot get an appoointment to see him/her ask for a telephone consultation then he/she will ring you and you can tell them exactly how you are feeling. You MUST tell them exactly how you are feeling without skirting around the edges. You should also call your health visitor and tell her. There really is help out there for free that you can get with the twins, homestart are simply wonderful they have a web site you can look at I will put the link at the bottom. You must must must ask for help it is out there. Big hug xxhugxx This is homestarts phone number 0800 068 63 68 and the web link is here. They really will make a difference to your life Kaz. Let me know tomorrow how the phone calls go.

11-05-08, 18:35
hi kaz i agree with everything everyone has said and cant add much really but alot of women struggle like you with little ones especially twins its hard work but you have to get some help because hormones can play up terribly and make you think alsorts but you need to gain control again so you can look after yourself and your babies. you may need different pills but also you need support and to be able to talk lots and openly about how you feel as this is the way to start recovering but you have to be honest no one will judge you this is very common how you feel but health visitors are great i used to talk to mine when i had pnd and she will help you, keep posting and let us know how you get on but you will be ok hugs xxxxxx