View Full Version : Lump in mouth

11-05-08, 20:51
Hi everyone, this is the first time I've posted but I have got a great deal of comfort in the past from reading previous threads, so thankyou for that. I have been anxiety free'ish for the past 3 years, however, last Wednesday night, I found a hard lump on my upper gum right where my gum joins the soft skin of the inside of my mouth. It is not an ulcer or an abcess. I immediately fell into a full blown panic attack, had a sleepless night trawling the internet and had to get my sister to drive me to the GP's the next morning. My GP was great and said that she could feel the lump, but expected it to go in the next couple of weeks. Due to my extremely anxious state she put me back on my antidepressants and wants to review me in two weeks time. I have done the usual planning of funerals, checking all of the paperwork is in order so my husband will have everything in place when I die. I hate feeling like this. And despite reading all of the statistics relating to oral cancer ( I am 40, non smoker and non drinker ), I can't stop thinking about it. Advice needed please on how to get through this.

11-05-08, 21:28
hi there and welcome just wanted you to know i had the same thing as you are describing few years back and i panicked rotten but turned out to be an infection on my tooth which had come out into a hard small lump on my gum but it didnt hurt and eventually it went and i got my tooth sorted as i went on to get a abcess, so dont panic you are fine xx

11-05-08, 21:33
Hi Donna, Thanks for replying. I think I would not be so concerned if my lump was lower an closer to my teeth. It's just so high in my mouth and I keep visualising a tumor attached to my jawbone. It's reassuring, however, to know I am not alone in my panicking.

11-05-08, 21:56
hi mifta

I know your gp has tried to reassure you but you are obviously still worrying. Maybe it would be worth going to see a dentist as they are much more familiar with oral stuff. I'm sure it is nothing but they would be able to check and possibly do an xray to see if a tooth is about to flare up. I once had an abcess that came up just under my eye and it was tooth related so don't worry about it not being close to the tooth. Hope it goes soon.

11-05-08, 22:08
Oral cancers have a distinctive look and feel to them. Your doctor would know exactly what to look for, so if she says it's ok, then I would rest assured that you have nothing to worry about.

12-05-08, 17:55
My GP has also told me to stop worrying about my mouth too - but I went to see my dentist as well, and of course despite both telling me all was ok I've also continued to worry and panic. I have to keep repeating myself "docs and dentist said all ok, the likely is more feasible than the unlikely" - and this helps a little to put it in a bit of perspective.

I can only offer the advice that was given to me which is to trust in your GP who sounds very supportive.


07-03-09, 00:07
I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety very badly. as soon as i see feel or see something unusual with my body, i always assume its the worst thing n then think im gonna die and have a full blown panic attack. i have got a hard lump in my bottom lip on the inside, its very tiny but its scaring the hell out of me. i need to go doctors next week, but i just keep assuming its gonna get worse and ill die! help me!!

01-05-15, 16:08
I have the same exact lump same place. I'm freaking out!!!!
I feel my dentist won't take me serious since I'm constantly
Seeing him for things I think are bad that end up being normal.
Back in September I had a molar extraction the molar next to the
One that now has the lump. It does have a cavity that has a small
Hole. But the lump is way higher it's exactly where you say you have
Yours. I know you posted this back in 2008 but I'm hoping someone
Can relate to this. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

---------- Post added at 09:08 ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 ----------

And the lump is a bit sore. It's hard and smooth.