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View Full Version : Panic has started - back to work tommorow

11-05-08, 23:41

I have had a lovely day today, it was a celebration and i had about 20 people round. All day i was fine, i had no anxiety or panic. Maybe cause i was so busy i didnt have time to feel anxious lol.

However for the last few hours i have started to feel light headed, spaced out, upset stomach and feel anxious and im sure its cause i going back to work tomorow after being off for 2 weeks due to having panic attacks there.

I really dont want to go but i no its worse in long run if i dont go back. However part of me thinks why go back and put yourself in that horrible postion where i could have another attack.

Why cant think positive and think rite i will be fine and nothin will happen.

I wish i knew why the panic has started at work, i been in that job 7 years but in the past few months have been suffering panic attacks there.

im geting into a state now. part of me thinks maybe its not panic its something serious i got wrong with me to feel this bad.

I can feel myself tingling now and i feel scared.

love mandie x

Cathy V
12-05-08, 01:04
Hiya mandy. I was just wondering when the first panic attack happened, what you were doing at the time etc.

Cathy x

12-05-08, 09:39
Hi Cathy

I was at work, but i dont know y it happened, i was just sitting at my desk and i didnt feel anxious.

I thinks it because i suffer with health anxiety and i got a bit lite headed and panicked, which bought on full blown panic attack.

Now i associate work with panic, although i am having hard time there anyway because of my manager

love mandie x

12-05-08, 09:42

Well i did go to work. Been here half hour. Not one person asked me how i was. I been off for to weeks. Its only a small office but when i walked in today not one person said hello to me.

I no they dont understand, and i know they think its an excuse to have time off.

None of my work has been touched so i have a big pile, its making me anxious just looking at it.

Well if they could just experience one day of what i go through it wouldnt be enough

Love mandie x

12-05-08, 10:57
Hi Mandie,

It's so good that you have been able to go into work today - well done! I know what you mean about others not understanding what you've been going through - I think that unless you've been through it yourself you can't really understand how anxiety/panic feels. I have had anxiety/panic in work and it can be so annoying. Well done again!
I hope that you have a good day today - All the best.:)

12-05-08, 11:42
Thank you Patty.

I am pleased i managed to come in even though im not feel that good now.

One of my colleagues just said to me try not to think about it and it will go away!

love mandie x

12-05-08, 11:52

I know exactly how you feel it all started at work for me to , about four months ago - I've tried to go back a couple of times and everytime I just panic!!

Fortunately my work have been really understanding but the problem is they've stopped my sick pay. Resigning and going on benefits is looking a better option everyday :-(

I've got an anxiety managenment course tommorow that was booked for me through mind so I'm hoping that will help.

Well done for going in and sticking with it - I know how hard it is.

Take care

Dave X

12-05-08, 12:29

I know you replied to one of my messages about dizziness etc...if it's any consolation I'm sitting at my desk terrified, MASSIVELY WOOZY!! Feel like I'm going to die...I think my 'attacks' are work related too, or certainly when there are loads of people around and I feel I can't escape. Want to stop feeling dizzy. Got a docs appointment booked for 21st of this month, but that's only to register. I want someone to tell me I have low blood sugar or something so I can stop feeling like this. Hate thinking I'm about to die and now I'm getting thuds of pain in my head...URGH!!


12-05-08, 12:39
Hi Mandie
I think you are doing really well & I admire you.:yesyes: You are feeling as you do but hanging in there at work no matter how tough it is for you. I couldnt do that and I left my job which I loved and which was the worst thing I cld have done, looking back.:weep: I wish I could have been as strong as you are being. I think with your attitude you stand a good chance of beating how you are feeling. You are doing really well in my opinion.:yesyes:

12-05-08, 13:25

I know you want someone to tell you that theres something wrong with you (I've been to casualty 7 times !!!) if its any consolation there rarely is the dizzyness is just your body over-reacting, it does go in time. I know exactly how you feel - keep hanging in there, you should be pleased with yourself as you've gone to work - I've not been able to manage that.

Keep fighting it and things will get better.

Dave X

12-05-08, 14:04
Hi Mandie

Good on you for going back to work. If you enjoy your job you should stick to it while also learning techniques to cope with your anxiety. Have you tried any medication? My medication turned my life around when I had terrible anxiety disorder - you may need to get the balance back with your serotonin. Have you spoken to your GP?

take care

12-05-08, 22:58
Dave - thanks for reply. Good luck with your anxiety management course tommorow

PanicsAlot - I feel exactly like that to. I fed up of feeling woozy all time. I feel like im gonna die to. How are u feeling now?

Carla - thanks for your lovely reply. I dont feel very strong at the moment, feel a failure coz i cant manage my anxiety and panic.

Norrance - I have been on citalopram on and off fror past few years. This time round they not working so im weaning myself off them Currently on 5mg which is tiny dose. hoping to come off them soon as i feel they making me worse

love mandie x

28-05-08, 20:49
Hi Mandie
I know how you feel and i bet you are worried because your manager is giving you a hard time.. God i wish we didn't have to work ;i'm like you more contented at home in my own enviroment... Good luck.:)

29-05-08, 09:52
Hi Juanna

Its been a few weeks since i went back. I still dont feel that comfortable here.

Iv only been in less than an hour but i seem bit spaced out and anxious.

I was fine when i got up today.

Manager has kept his distance, think he has been told, but i still feel on edge.

Are u going through the same thing?

love mandie x

Pink Panic
29-05-08, 10:19
Hi Mandie,

I just caught up with this thread and although i don't have any advice re your work situation as i don't feel i could work at the mo, i'd really like to send you a few hugs and say that i really admire you for having the guts to even get there, let alone work.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hope things improve for you soon hun.


29-05-08, 11:09
Hi Pink

Thank you for that.

Im really struggling at moment. I just never feel right when im at work.

I would love to take time out, but i cant c how that would help me cause i would never want to go back!

Also im worried bout the money side cause im on my own with my daughter

love mandie x