View Full Version : Sensitive skin patches?

12-05-08, 11:46
Hi All, Just a quick question... i seem to have fairly often sensitive patches of skin, the size is no more than the size of my palm and seems to hang around for a few hrs or day then go away or move... it seems always to be on the limbs and most often on my hands or feet. I can feel its there and if i run my hand over the spot it is not so much pain as sensitive discomfort.

Any one else had this kind of thing?

steve :)

miss diagnosis
12-05-08, 11:49
as i type this i have massive red rash and big white lumps on the back of my elbow.

the heat does crazy things to our skin.. id normally freak about anything wierd on m skin but im pretty sure ive just been bitten.

if its very warm where u are right now it could be affecting areas of ur skin.

make sure to use lots of SPF!

12-05-08, 11:54
Yeh mine is a little different in that the skin looks fine, no red rash etc.. just feels weird to the touch...

12-05-08, 13:26
Hi Steve, I get this too and have done for as long as I can remember. I have never really worried about it as there is no rash or anything. I get it on my legs. Anna

12-05-08, 17:37
I get sensitive parts on my skin almost feels like a bruise in a way but it's not then when i think it has gone it hurts to the touch. my legs are sensitive to touch i only have to run my fingers over them and it hurts slighty.