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05-04-05, 22:42
I am still getting the dull ache on my left side above my left breast. IT feels like someone is leaning on it all the time. In a shop today and the pain shot towards the centre of my chest and made me sweat and feel faint a bit. It went away as quick as it come. It still feels sore but as I said earlier the doc told me its a muscle strain..just wish I could get taht in my head because the more I think of it the more it aches !. Its like one big vicious circle ! I know its not my heart as i have had various ECGs and my cholesterol and BP are spot on !. Wish I could get these morbid thoughts out of my head and get back to being the joviual person I know that I am !

05-04-05, 22:48
Do some regular stretches of all your torso upwards and stretch out to the sides which should relieve it.

Swimming is good too..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

05-04-05, 22:49
I get that EXACT same pain. It's on the left side of my breast and I get it about once a week for a couple of hours at a time. It can sometimes spread to the centre of my chest. Don't know what it is though..:D

05-04-05, 23:13
i get a similar pain around my chest. the only thing i find that works is listening to my relaxation cd - it's all about relaxing your muscles (which i find impossible to do) and relaxation techniques seem to help with this.

06-04-05, 11:09
i get that too but the pain is in my back under my shoulder blade was convinced it was lung cancer cos i smoke one tab a day LOL, i went to docs as well but it was ok i do get it every now and again but i do put it down to being stressed now hope it gets better soon xx

kairen x

01-06-05, 16:27
You lot dont worry, i had this for a while and went through heart attacks and every other test i needed. i ended up going to a chiropractitioner who treated me for a ceasedmuscle in my between tyhe little ribs in my chest. after 4 sessions i was totally healed and felt like i could get a full lungfull of air and felt great... it also made my back feel tight because obviously the ribs go from the centre of your chest to the spine .. there is nothing to worry about and a few self help strectching exercises can help immensly!!
hope this helps !!!

04-06-05, 10:21
i get this also when i get stressed i know know its nothing seruios and i ignore it and it does go away.

05-06-05, 01:28
I have this too and it really hurts [}:)]

I find that it goes away when I relax. Try taking some deep breathes and relaxing your shoulder muscles. If that fails I take some paracetamol and that normally does the trick.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

08-06-05, 03:03
I am a frequent suffer of this myself. I can say that I have improved
but still stop in my tracks, sweat a little and then reassure myself that I have had all the tests indicating I am fine. If I move around or distract it disappears. There is sometimes I pop a rolaid and it goes away. I do think that it is gas when it is dull.


25-09-05, 22:27
hi edster
i am a sufferer of the dull ache in my chest also - i have also had numerous ecg's and blood tests and everything came back normal the docs at the hospital said its all down to stress and anxiety and i try and take my mind off it and it does ease or go away completely

best wishes


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

20-03-06, 10:50
I have just had an x ray done due to the same pain! Glad to have stumbled upon this topic wot a relief!
I jus spent the last week with the dreaded thoughts something was terribly wrong, that dull ache sorta top leftside of my chest, and i couldnt quite tell at the time if it was muscular or inside my chest just knew it didnt feel right , it has since gone away again but im still waiting for my results, i suffer alot with shortness of breath (anxiety related apparently) so im helping it will put my mind at ease as well.

23-05-06, 04:16
Hi WOW!!! I feel the same way like a tightness/pressure on my left breast feels like my heart the top right side.. and its then I reak out and start in a panic. I hate it very much and just had an EKG kess then 2 weeks ago and everything went well. And all my lab work went well.. I always feel like IM going to die and its really scary.. I hate it. It seems my chest pain comes when I "think" it. So I try to do something to get my mind off of it and it seems to help. I also notice I kinda get tense when I start to get chest pain... could this be a reason why it happens?
hmm well anyway take care all of you! Feel free to contact me at cuteliljocey@yahoo.com
take care!

27-02-08, 22:37
I am suffering with a dull ache all the time, i am taking Propranolol for irregular heart beat and have been taking it for just over 3weeks my palpatations have lessened but i am still suffering with this dull ache/indegestion type pain, does anyone know if this is normal.

28-02-08, 00:00
The chest pains and aches are all normal symptoms of anxiety and panics.
I had them for weeks before they went away!
I too was convinced I was dying.
I had to go to the Doctors twice before they finally convinced me there was nothing wrong, my chest was clear and absolutely fine!
It'll pass, don't worry :)

25-07-08, 15:00
i am suffering the same dull ache for 3 weeks. i had an ECG and blood tests as all of you have had. everything is perfect but my colestrols is a bit high.
27 year old male and using computer 10 hours a day.
Anyone died from this? :)

25-07-08, 15:49
I also have experienced this pain, its a shooting pain across my left side of my chest, always that side. Its worrying because your heart is that side but I was told because of the nerves etc that travel round, the pain in my back was triggering the nerves in my front.
I am the same, I worry about everything and even seeing the doc doesn't really put my mind at rest. Have heard such horrible stories of late about people who had cancer but their docs said it was nothing...

lou lou
25-07-08, 18:27
Yeah i have this almost constantly but on my right side, still find it very hard to tell myself that i'm fine, even though i've had countless ECG's, x-rays & blood tests. it also goes into my shoulder & back.
I'm thinking of acupuncture & hypnotherapy see if this helps.

23-08-08, 03:44
I have a similar pain on my upper left-side. It feels like its either IN my chest or originating from my back. I was initially concerned it was a heart-related issue, but I had an EKG and blood work done and the only thing that was an issue was slightly elevated thyroid hormone levels. It is a dull, vague ache that periodically feels somewhat sharper. If I focus on the pain it feels like it radiates from my back to my chest. But, sometimes it feels like it's strictly in the chest on my left side.

I do a lot of sitting at the computer so it may be a muscle-related issue. Not totally sure though. Thanks all.

23-06-10, 22:09
I had this years ago but it reared its ugly head last month

Had 2 ECG's - both normal, bloods & thyroid normal

But the dull ache and shortness of breath is killing me :weep::weep:

So glad i came across here as it gave me some reassurance but still terrified it is something much worse

21-05-13, 18:33
Hi, ive had this pain for a couple of weeks now and its terrified me! I have diagnosed myself with all sorts of illnesses, even to the point of wasting the time if the a&e staff. The pain is a dull ache above the left hand side of my chest and under my arm pit also feeling it in my shoulder blade. I had an ecg which was fine. The more I think about it the more it is giving me panic attacks. At my wits end!

21-05-13, 19:10
Hi Annie, welcome to this site. I am suffering from this as I type. The discomfort in my armpit really freaks me out. It is so hard to accept it is anxiety, but we must try to.

Hope you feel better soon.


---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

Sorry, that should have said Angie.