View Full Version : Not wanting to bother

12-05-08, 16:05
I don't seem to want to bother with life right now. I don't seem to have any energy or motivation to do anything. I'm feeling terribly down and fed up and yet i'm doing the bare minimum to improve things. Each night i get into bed and i tell myself that tomo i'll do this and that and then next morning i lay about thinking about it and then don't do it. I was gonna start going swimming everyday and that was 2 weeks ago i decided to do that and i haven't been once yet! I think where i've been knocked down so much in the past i've become now where i don't even wanna try anymore but at the sametime i am terribly unhappy with the way things are too and i want change. But i also started believing that things will never change and thinking whats the point? so even a small step like going swimming i start thinking why bother. Swimming is something i always found beneficial and it certainly won't do any harm so why can't i get off my backside and do it?

I want friends as i have few friends but everytime i have gone and tried to find them by attending various social gatherings and whatnot i have not mixed in well and i have become bored and fed up very quickly. I don't seem to fit in. So i dunno what to do. I am often quite content with my own company but i do get lonely and it would be nice to meet some people who i click with.

12-05-08, 16:23
hi there sorry you feeling down, the only way to deal with that is to get into a routine like get up a certain time in the morning have breakkie get dressed and do housework go for a walk what ever but its really hard to get into a rut. i know if i just lay about it makes me really down so thats why i walk brisk walk every day keeps me happy motivated, positive and got rid of alot of my anxietys. just set little goals every day and mayb join a club or do some charity work local to you and meet a few people that way and you can just do few hours here and there. hugs to you xxxx