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05-04-05, 22:53
Has anybody had a big amount of weight gain. I start citrapram in
nov and my wieght has increase about 15-20 lbs already.
i not sure if it the citrapram or the amitriptyline.
i take 30 g 1 aday.[?]

05-04-05, 23:06
I was on Cipralex (the new citalopram) and I gained quite a lot of weight as well. It's very common with some meds..:D

06-04-05, 07:00
Hi Debbie,

Yes isn't it awful?

You will need to reduce your calorie intake and probably exercise if you want to combat this problem. I'm in the midst of it at the moment.


"I'm dancing through the fire, just to catch a flame -
an' feel real again "


06-04-05, 19:56
When I was on Paxil, I gained at least 50 pounds it was terrible.
I have lost weight while being on Zoloft.


06-04-05, 19:57
I was on Dothiepin and Prozac many years ago and gained 2 stone. I still haven't lost it!!!! oops!


07-04-05, 20:21
can someone tell me how many pounds='s a stone?
Just wondering[?]


07-04-05, 22:18
14 pounds in a stone Tessa


08-04-05, 23:53
Hi Debbie, I had been on citaloprim for 11 months. I gained over 2 stone, prior to that Id gained over 2st in a year because I eat at low times also Id given up smoking. Im now on different medication and am trying to get 4st off. Not sure what is due to medicine or what is due to sheer greed and comfort eating.

13-04-05, 01:52
Thank you so much for helping me understand. I guess i can't blame it all on the pills. but 15lbs in 3mths that alot and it only started when i started the pills.

I went to the doctor last week to get a refill on my pills and i asked him if weigh gain was a side affect to this pill. He said yes it is and he was sorry. He also told me to drop my car off at the bus depot (which is 2 miles from my work) and walk back and forth. i went ahhhhhhh, he said he was just joking. he is a nice doctor he's the only one that could find out want to do for me.

I also reduced my pills from 30g a day to 20gs. I also quit taking the amitriptyline at nite. Sometime i wake up scared, paranoid but nothing like before.


29-08-08, 23:59
i was on setraline 200mg for a year and stopped and was put on venlafaxine 150mg for 4 months and have put on almost 2 stone and am finding it very difficult to lose. My doctor has now put me on citalopram 40mg and stated to me that weight gain isnt a common side affect. Now im confused can any1 with personal experience and not just a book enlighten me please. x:weep:

16-04-09, 14:10
Hi, This is my first post but I have been lurking for a long while. I have been taking citalopram for four months now I started on 20mg per day and now I am on 40mg per day. The first seven weeks were a nightmare with side effects. If it was on the leaflet I suffered with it. I know what you will think I "I read it, so I must get it" Not at all. It was a very, very frightening time, even now four months down the line I still don't feel right, I still suffer the odd side effect namley the mad rush of panic upon waking, But the one side affect that is really getting to me is the weight gain. I am male ad used to weigh 25 stone. over the course of two years I droped to 17 stone. Then I had to go on citalopram, Over the course of four months I have gained 1st 7lbs:shrug: I am not happy about that espesially after working so hard to lose the weight in the first place. I have another month left on these meds before my GP says he will wean(sp) me off them. I can not wait, I hate having to take them even though they have helped me.

09-10-09, 00:00
I am sure that it might be the med which I have been taking since 2007.

Please advise if Citolopram is really the cause of weight gain. I am unable to fully exercise because my neck went into spasm 2 weeks ago.

Please advise.


09-10-09, 01:13
In my experience amytryptiline increases appetite, prozac reduces it(even when you feel better, but that was a good thing for me), and mirtazipine made me shovel the grub in. I noticed no appetite changes whilst on venlafaxine(effexor) and havent really noticed any whilst on citalopram.

09-10-09, 08:04
I was on aropax for about 6 months and gained all the weight I had lost and then some since I started having anxiety and panic. I am not sure if it was from the medication or feeling better and therefore wanting to eat more. When I first got anxiety I completely lost my appetite. I have always been big boned though.:doh:

09-10-09, 08:26
I've been on amitriptyline for a good while and haven't found that my weight went up with that. However since taking quetiapine 50mg 6-8 weeks ago, i've put on more than a stone. :weep: