View Full Version : hi im a young panic suffer any advice would be helpfull

char dnt wnna panic
13-05-08, 00:22
hi im charlotte im 19 years old i have had panic attacks 4 3yearz now and they have got worse now i cant eat a thing cos my it always feels like im choakin or some thing is stuck in my throat i have lost lots of weight in the last 6 mths i have gone from a size 16 to a size 8.iam now under the mentle health act and have my appointment the 21st may and dont know what to expect.has any one been through this before where the cant eat cos of there throat cos i feel soo alone and scared.............

13-05-08, 03:20

13-05-08, 06:55
Hi char

I have something similar which when I am very busy seems to disappear. The more I think about it the worse it is. It feels as if that little dangly thing that lives in the back of my mouth is hanging down my throat. I also get a tighness feeling on the front of my neck followed by a desire to swallow to relieve a dry throat. I am of the assumption that if it was anything dubious it would get worse with time. Mine comes and goes and is hear now as I am thinking about it. Have you been to the docs to check your tonsils etc.. I know that tonsilitus has been going around lately and can effect people differntly. I am sure you are worrying over nothing. I would try and get some liquid food down for now just to overcome the problem for now. Not eating will make your symptoms worse as you will not have the fluids and vitamins in you to relieve the symptoms.

Hope you get better soon.

Take Care


13-05-08, 07:10
Hi Charlotte and welcome to NMP if you're new. I can't identify with the swallowing/choking sensation but like so many other people on here I know what it's like to suffer from panic attacks. Maybe a professional could advise you about eating. Meanwhile have you read the info on here about handling panic attacks? It's really helpful. Just click on "panic attacks" in the main menu column. All the best.

13-05-08, 15:40
hiya Charlotte :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all about things.
love and happiness
take care:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:



13-05-08, 15:44
Hi Charlotte

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

13-05-08, 16:05
Hi Char.
You are very :welcome: here, any support or advise you can gain from here will help you alot, its a lovely place so visit often. You've got your whole life ahead of you and alot to live for, theres always light at the end of the tunnel, sometimes we just cant quite see it yet, take it from me, it really IS there.
Good Luck with all, you arent ever alone in this! :bighug1:

13-05-08, 16:09
PS When i couldnt eat i tryed smoothies, made them myself with anything good i could get into them inc yogurt and cream (high in calories) and also complan, the chocolate one is the best. Just try and get any nourishment you can even if its only in tiny bits during the day, the body gets more anxious the less you eat as its natural response is to promote adrenaline to make you move and find food. Try vitiman supplements too.

14-05-08, 01:03
Hello there Charlotte,

Welcome to NMP hun!!! :) :) :)

Hey, I'm 17 and I've also been suffering from panic attacks and anxieties for 3 years now, and the first thing I'm going to tell you is that you are definately not alone. Infact you are far from it - every single member on this site knows exactly how you are feeling and what you are going through. We are all here to provide you with the best possible advice and support that we can give - so no need to feel alone. x

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time with your anxieties and I wish you all the best with your appointment which is coming up. Please come back and let us know how it went and how you are feeling after it.

Please take care for now, and I hope we can speak soon in the chat room.

Lots of love, hugs and luck,

Wolfie xxxxxx

14-05-08, 01:32
Hello Charlotte And Welcome..i Wish Ya Well...........linda