View Full Version : Anxiety Delay?

13-05-08, 02:52
Hi everybody,

I was wondering does anyone get a delayed reaction with anxiety? Today I had no reason to be really anxious, just a few honest worries but I've been on edge constantly. I've had an exciting weekend and a very stressful couple of weeks and I'm wondering if it has all just caught up to me now.

I just graduated from college on Saturday, and I did not panic. Not even close! If I had done this six months earlier, I don't know how far I would have even been able to get. I'm so happy that I did it without even getting that nervous! And the stressful part comes from the last couple of weeks getting my final project ready, and I didn't panic with that one either even though I worked frantically the last hour before it was due and got it to the teacher's office ONE MINUTE before it was due! Lol, my heart was racing like mad trying to get that stuff finished, I had a power outage the night before and the program that I was using kept breaking and that morning I had to enlist the calvary (my other teacher :D) to help. And then I had a bit of an anxious but good time that night during the presentation (I also thought I would panic like mad but I didn't). Then I watched a play the next night, where I was very excited and I didn't panic either (even though I thought I would). Did get nervous during the long applause at the end for some reason, the massive constant noise for five minutes bothered me oddly enough. I can't even explain to you how worried I was six months ago about this time period (the final project crunch time to graduation) that I would panic. I was so sure I would!

AND THEN we had tornadoes again yesterday in the area and had a HORRIBLE time coming home in the serious thunderstorm, wind and blinding rain (Dad was driving).

So anyway today was a calmer day even though the skies were dark and it was mad windy. I've been constantly anxious and keep feeling that adrenaline twinge right under my stomach every couple of minutes. Anything that catches my attention or a thought that comes in gets me that twinge.

Stefan P
13-05-08, 16:13
I think the reason you feel anxious after the fact is that is the way the body works. When you perceive danger, some little primitive part of your brain takes over and gets you through whatever it is that threatened you. Say you are crossing the road and nearly get hit by a bus, you don't stop to get anxious about it, but your primitive brain (the survival instinct) propels your body out of harms way. After this, when your conscious mind can stop and think about what happened you go all wobbly and feel the effects of the adrenalin.