View Full Version : Has anyone ever....

06-04-05, 09:41
..... fainted as they haven't eaten in a while? I know that I won't faint due to a panic attack but I am paranoid that I will because I haven't eaten recently. This fear fuels my panic and makes it very hard for me to do things sometimes, I just wondered if anyone else is scared of this too or if anyone has ever fainted and what it is like. It might help me feel less scared :(


06-04-05, 10:30
Hi Twinkle,

I have fainted due to panic and hunger combined and, honestly, it is not so bad. I got myself into such a state that it was my body's only way of putting it right. Afterwards, everyone made a big fuss of me and I stopped being frightened of fainting.

The only downside was that I was wearing a skirt........enough said!!

Love Christine

06-04-05, 10:47
hello Twinkle,

It has never happened to me but if you aren't eating, you probably will faint as your body will run out of energy. Try to eat small things a couple times a day..

Sarah :D

06-04-05, 16:46
Yes i have fainted but not due to panic...it was through not eating ...it is not hing to be scared of you more or less dont know anything about it untill afterwards...then your fine[8)]

06-04-05, 17:19
Hi Twinkle

The fear of fainting can be horrible but it wont harm you. I hope you manage to eat something little just to help with your energy levels.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

06-04-05, 17:44
Hi Twinkle

Try to eat something, little and often is best to keep your energy levels up.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

06-04-05, 18:50
Don't even put yourself in that position.

We know that with anxiety our endocrine systems are under a lot more stress than usual so it is imperative we eat something frequently.

I didn't move very far at all without some fruit and nut mix and just half a handful would give me a boost.

A banana , a yoghurt, a creal bar, glass of milk . Anything like that will do.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

06-04-05, 18:54

Everyone has said it all really - eat little and often and you will be fine.


06-04-05, 20:26
Twinkle - was just wondering - why aren't you eating? Is it just because of anxiety? are you ok? :D

06-04-05, 22:17

You have had some good replies, hope you are feeling a little bit better and have managed to have something to eat.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-04-05, 12:33
Thank you so much for your replies everyone, they have really helped!

I am eating at the moment, however as you all know when you are all worked up it is really hard to eat but I am getting by by eating healthily.

I just hate those horrible feeling you get when your body is low on energy, and will do anything to avoid them as they get me into such a panicked state :( If I haven't eaten for a while, even if I'm not hungry I will wind myself up by thinking that I must get something to eat quick before my body gets that way and I start feeling faint.

I need to get my head round the fact that if I faint it is not the end of the world and someone will help me.

Thanks again,


07-04-05, 20:56
Hey Twinkle

When my panick was at its worst, I had no apetite at all. Just the thought of food made me sick. For about a week and a half I didn't eat anything, maybe just a little chocolate once per day. I remember that I was very scared that I might never regain my apetite again, and that I might become anorexic. I was feeling really tired and dizzy and weak, but I didn't faint ;] I have, however, experienced a collapse a couple of times, when my blood pressure has dropped. When that happens, I become very pale, very weak, I get cold sweat all over my face, then I see black circles in front of my eyes, and feel like I need to sit down or even lay down for a couple of minutes, and then it passes. It's unpleasant, but nothing to be afraid of ;] I can assure you that even if you faint, you'll be OK. Even if you are all by yourself and there is noone to help you, you will be OK. You will not stop breathing, or hurt yourself bad, or anything like that. Don't worry.
I understand that maybe right now you don't have any apetite, but try to eat, at least a little, a couple of times per day. Trust me, I know how hard it is, but it does get better. When you eat, concentrate on how good the food smell, how good it tastes, and enjoy it. I'm sure that eventually, you will regain your apetite ;] Also, don't forget to drink a lot of water, tea, and juice.

Take care,

07-04-05, 22:41
Hi Twinkle

Even if you faint like you say you will be okay and you need to accept that. Even if someone isnt there and you do pass out you will come round and be okay, although passing out is very unlikely.

Keep eating small bits when you feel you should be even if you are not hungry, as not eating for a long time will lead to you feeling worse and more anxious.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

Laura xx
07-04-05, 22:53
I have fainted before now when I haven't eaten, or slept or just generally got myself really low.

But what I always keep in the cupboard now is "Complan". They do it in vegetable/chicken soup and in various milkshakes. It is a complete meal in a drink.

When I have been really low I have been on three glasses a day and no food, but it does help as you are just drinking a liquid.

But obviously eating is much better if you can manage to chew and swallow food, which I know is sometimes so hard!

All the best!!

Laura xx

08-04-05, 10:56
I have fainted onced as well i was 11 and i used to be anerixc then and i didnt eat and i fainted in class primary 7 it was.

I still get the anixty about that as i work in a petrol staion and i have to stand for 8 hours and i thibk if i stand to much ill faint.

It has never hapened yet but every time i go into work i always think about it all the way through my shift so i try to eat every few hours or suck a mint i heard that helps.

Can someone please answer this question can i faint for standing to long.

08-04-05, 13:34

On horse guards parade where they stand seemingly motionless for many hours if you look careful they are actually tightening their knee joints and shifting their weight from leg to leg. This is to keep the circulation moving well and thats all it needs is subtle movements.

At the petrol station you get to make whole steps so you'll be fine.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-04-05, 18:49
I haven't fainted as of yet but I have been really close to.

I noticed lately (for about 14 days ago) that eating as I usually do (rather late at night) is one of the worst things I can do. My system totally flips out and my anxiety attack increases multiple times. In fact any preasure to my belly, regardless if it is my underware, my pants, my friends cat or anything else increases the symptoms I have during the day.

This has made me to start eating high energy based food and only little of it at times instead of enjoying a full dinner as I used to be able to do. Unfortunately the easiest high energy based food to get a hold of are candy and sweets and I confess at night I actually choose a bag of sweets to anything else since I do not feel any anxiety eating those. Yet...

As I understand my body's chemical system goes crazy as soon as I eat or drink and that causes my anxiety to race upwards, atleast until the body is done dividing all the different chemicals it needs from my choice of food.

It takes some time to get used to but please do eat and know that your body will become aleart when you do so. It will last for perhaps an hour or so, but that would be "normal" for us with this horrible, horrible condition.

08-04-05, 19:04
hi Twinkle

I have never fainted but my husband is a frequent fainter. Once a year usually. He faints due to emotional stress and it is just your bodies way of saying stop. Am glad to see you are trying to eat as it does you no good not to. Even if it is little and often.

Take care


08-04-05, 21:33
Hi Twinkle

How has today been for you?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

11-04-05, 12:23
Thank you all again so much for your replies and words of encouragement! This weekend I had the most positive weekend I have had in ages and it was mostly due to the posts on here reassuring me!

I even managed to go for a swim in my health club, I haven't been there regularly since Christmas so this was a big acheivement. I must recommend exercise to anyone who suffers from anxiety, it really does help however I do understand that it is sometimes a challenging thing to do!

I hope you all have a good panic free week!


11-04-05, 12:44
Hi Cynth, its me Jacque, Charlotte's mum, I was just reading your posting, and again its so like Charlotte, she worrys constantly about fainting, just like you, I must admit I find it quite hard to understand as you only fall asleep don't you?

I myself have never fainted though so I don't know, I suppose it is more scary if you are out, or alone with no-one to help you, but why do you think you will faint? have you ever fainted before?

I keep saying this to Charlotte, she has never fainted due to panic or not eatting, (I sometimes have to remind her to eat) she will go all day and not even think about getting something to eat, sitting at this PC all day and night.

She also used to feel so panicky that she just found it very difficult to eat anything, but I kept saying you MUST eat or you WILL feel much worse, so she did try to eat and she felt a bit better.

I know it IS hard to eat when you really don't feel like it, but even just small amounts of food occasionally will help you I'm sure.

Anyway Cynth take care and prob talk to you soon,

Love Jacqui

11-04-05, 14:00
Hi Jacqui,

Really nice to hear from you. I was speaking to Charlotte on MSN last week and we were helping eachother.

I have been taking everyones advise on here and eating a little even when I don't feel like it and I have been feeling much better. It has also helped me realise that it isn't the end of the world if I do faint.

Make sure Charlotte reads the responses to my initial post as I'm sure she will find some of them very very useful and it will certainly help her.

Take care and speak soon,

Cynth xx