View Full Version : counselling for anxiety

13-05-08, 08:04
I am new here and have been reading through some of the other posts - i hope you can help with a question i have!
I have had anxiety problemson and off for around 4 years, until the last year and a half it has just been panic attacks out of the blue maybe once or twice a month. I was ok after having my first child but after having my second the anxiety worsened alot and i ended up unable to do anything or go anywhere for months. I feel things are better now although i am still constantly anxious and get shaky dizzy etc on a daily basis.
I went to the doctors a number of times during the last year or so the first few times they told me to relax basically and the lats time i finally saw a female doctor who seemed a bit more sympathetic and referred me to counselling.

I dont really know the reason why i feel like this so i am wondering really how counselling can help? i was always under the impression that counselling was supposed to be for a specific thing, for example counselling after someone has died?

I had the assesment meeting about a month ago and i ma now on a waiting list and at the assesment she focused alot on things that dont really make me feel anxious like my mother dying or a time when i was homeless so i dont know how this will help!

I dont have any phobias and i am not afraid to go out (although i do get to feel down so i dont want to lol) but everyday in the evenings time i just get shaky and completely terrified of something:shrug:

can counselling really help with this?


13-05-08, 09:55
hi soph,

I'm not sure whether it will help or not, but its worth a try, sometimes just talking to someone can lift your mood, i was like you after having my last child, i had hypnotherapy which worked wonders so you could always try the counselling and if it doesn't work try hypnotherapy.

best wishes

Di xx

13-05-08, 11:16
I have found reflexology great, also CBT and medication, have improved things for me. There is a free online CBT course you can do called www.moodgym.com (http://www.moodgym.com) also one called www.livinglifetothefull.co.uk (http://www.livinglifetothefull.co.uk)
If the panic/depression worsened after your second child have you spoken to your health visitor about possible post natal depression, just a thought?
HUGS C xxxxx

13-05-08, 17:23
Hi Soph,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
What have you got to lose by trying counselling?
Look at it this way:-
Wouldn't it be sad if your recovery was hindered by not trying this?
Even if it fails,you will know that you are trying to deal with your problems.
We get better through taking action not through sitting back and waiting for things to change for us.
Keep believing in yourself.
You can and will overcome your problems.
Best wishes,

13-05-08, 17:25
Yes therapy can help with anxiety.

13-05-08, 17:36
ive just had me 2nd counselling session today. at first i thought it wouldnt be very good but i actually enjoy it. :yesyes:
they dont give you any advise or tell you what to do but i find it good to sit in a chair for 1hour and chat to somebody about all my problems wether they are anxiety relaited or not.:)
counsellors are not family or friends and are not involved closely in your life so for me that helps.
i feel i do hold back on telling family and friends what upsets me because they are too close and i dont want to upset them.
give it a go, you have nothing to loose.
good luck.:flowers:

13-05-08, 20:20
thanks for your replies, I will give it a go you are right there is no harm in trying!
