View Full Version : Strange head sensations

13-05-08, 09:09
I have been experiencing strange sensations in my head, they are very hard to explain but sometimes I feel like something is pushing the back of my head (to the right side) also feels like something is moving around or pulsating.
Also a couple of weeks ago I had a pain going from my shoulder up the side of my neck and for 3 nights woke up with one side of my face and neck numb, once I moved from lying on that side of my body the numbness went. I went to see my GP as I was worried sick I had a brain tumour. He examined me and said I had trapped a nerve and certainly didn't have a brain tumour. The numbing and pain only lasted for those 3 days but I'm still getting these weird feelings in my head and constantly worry that I have something seriously wrong with me. Does anyone else have these kind of symptoms?

13-05-08, 15:39
yes I have similar problems, sometimes it feels like someone is pushing their palm on the side of my head or I can see my pulse in my eyes....I am assuming it is related to my Anx because it comes and goes and is not progressivly worse...well thats what my doc said anyway, I did get a second opinion and that doc said the same.

sometimes my tounge goes numb well feels numb and I have all kinds of sensations linked to my head. I hate it but the less I think about it the less frequent things get. I had my pressure for a couple of months now it comes and goes. If it gets any worse don't feel bad about going back to your doc but otherwise I hope you begin to feel better soon!

Take care,

13-05-08, 18:11
Hi Jane

Thank you for sharing your experience with me, I have only recently discovered this website, although I have suffered health anxiety for many many years. Your comments have been a great comfort to me.

Take care.