View Full Version : having a really bad day

06-04-05, 11:22
woke up this morning witha big panic managed to stop that, but i am not doing very well, i feel like everything is getting on top of me, keep looking at the pile of ironing, the pile of washing just did girls bedrooms yesterday and it looks like a bomb has hit just want to sit and cry, need to get out of house but i would have to wash my hair, and even that seems like to much of an effort

And im starting to get those stupid irrational thoughts in my head.
I know what to do to stop it but im just not having a good day at all,
oh and i have a big spot on my chin LOL even my little girl went ooooh mammy thats a big one !!!! out of the mouths of babes...

i just dont know what to do with myself today for the best,,

just thought id babble on in here for a bit see if it made things any better
hang on eeee rrr mmm nope still feel like poo..............

hope everyone else is having agood day xxx

kairen x

06-04-05, 11:39
Hi Kairen,

We all have bad days and we all despair at how hard they are to cope with.
Its good that you can stop the irrational thoughts. Well done.

Try to get motivated. Tackle that ironing, you will feel better after its done.

Keep smiling

Jude x

06-04-05, 11:44
Hi Kairen,

Sorry to hear that the day isn't going too well for you :(

I too have had a terrible past 2 weeks with BIG hassles going on and I am finding it very hard to motivate myself to do anything much.

Try not to think of the total amount that needs doing and instead aim to just get 1 job done.

It may take you the whole of the day to achieve, but at least it will be 1 job to cross off the list [^]

If all else fails, stick a hat over your hair and get out of the house, guaranteed to make you feel slightly better! :D

Hope things get better for you soon.

Love Kate x

06-04-05, 14:02
Hi Kairen,
It must be in the air, i feel exactly the same today, it's so good that you are able to control the panic to a certain extent, that in it's self can be exhausting. As for the chores, (as i call them), so far i have managed to put the washing into the machine and wash my hair, my kids' bedroom is the same, but i have decided to shut the door and deal with that tommorow. don,t be too hard on yourself do a little at a time, read the paper, listen to some music, or just do as i am now, relax on the computor, that always helps when i visit this site, take it easy. As for the spots, myself and my teenage children have competitions to see if mum has the most spots, and i usually win! it's my hormones, they're all over the place.

06-04-05, 16:12
hello Kairen,

Sorry to hear you are having a bad day. Knowing that I have loads of housework to do always seems to make me feel more anxious, too. Just try to take things slowly and tell yourself that you are getting loads done as you go along. There are unfortunately always days when we don't feel like doing anything at all but I'm sure that tomorrow will be better!! Stay positive hun.

Sarah :D

06-04-05, 17:14
Hi Kairen

I hope your day got better for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

06-04-05, 17:50
Hi Kairen

Sorry you've had such a bad day. Don't feel too bad if you don't feel able to tackle all these jobs in one go. We all have days where we find it difficult to get motivated to do anything. Just aim to do what you feel up to and don't beat yourself up for what you think you should have done. There is always tomorrow.

Hope you are feeling a little better now.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

06-04-05, 18:40
thanks everyone,

my day did get a bit better i did start the ironing, then thought ah stuff that, took girls to park it was nice did get half way there and think oh no i just want to go home", i just told myself to shut up LOL..

Things are not great at the moment with him, so i dont suppose that will help my moods. I have hired a hitman and am just waiting for alihud to do the job in hand.

Could still just sit down and have a good cry, but i refuse to be beaten, especially when it is caused by a simple selfish man.

wow rant over..........

thanks again everyone for the replies i may go through it all tmrw morning as well LOL as long as i can keep laughin i'll be ok
there is no other medication like laughter ......

kairen x

06-04-05, 19:20

Glad you are feeling better and managed to get out.

Hope tomorrow is kinder to you.


06-04-05, 20:46
Hi Pal, keep taking the vit B6 as well you hormonal woman, will catch you later, keep your chin up, crying doesnt do you any harm in moderation, infact you prob feel better after it, by the way Im in the pub, got you a drink in, thanks for Pie. xxxxxxxx

06-04-05, 22:28
Hi Kairen

Pleased the day got better, dont forget that crying can release alot of pent up emotions and will help you.

You did well today, a lot better than i have, so well done.

Men??? Well i will make no comment on that at present LOL

Here if you need me and hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-04-05, 03:20
Well done for getting out to the park and to keep going when you felt yourself starting to panic.

I'm glad you felt better as the day went on and hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-04-05, 11:03
hi Kairen,

Hope you are feeling better today hun!!

Sarah :D

07-04-05, 11:19
thanks very much sarah,

I am today ta. did all ironing yesterday, which did make me feel better.
I,ve just got to put it all away now LOL.

Having the help and understandin of people on this site is a big help though xxx

I am determined this time i can do it,

Thanks again xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

kairen x