View Full Version : Well loads better in most things but---------

13-05-08, 12:22
I just thought yesterday how much better I am feeling about most of my health issues---thanks to a lot of help from everyone on here.
I have got my head round the fact that my neck is ok(still there but no different than it was!)------I have told myself that 3 drs arent wrong plus all the other tests I have had cant be wrong!!. I have also stop feeling under my arms for swellings and stuff and I am on a diet to get this 2 stone off!!!!I am walking most days for a couple of miles(though not today as i have loads of housework to catch up with!!!)---and to date I have lost 6lbs so really chuffed.
However, I do keep feeling my groin. I can feel at both sides what feels like a grissly bit---OH does have the same but I am still worrying about it!!!I can honestly say in all my 43 years I have never ever felt my groin so I wouldnt know what was NORMAL!!!It was only when i went to the first GP about my neck and he said had i felt a swelling in my groin area:scared15: ---up until then, as i say i had never in my life felt my groin area.
So, i went home(that was Xmas time last year) and poked and prodded and as i say i can feel something at both sides when i press really hard.
OH does have the same and has told me to shut up about it!!
Any advice please??
I am in general(well the odd blips like that rash last week which i confessed to googling but it has now gone!!) feeling loads more positive and dont really want to go back to the GPs for the 4th time in as many months.
Do you think this is my health anxiety still playing games with me?
Thanks for any help xxx

milly jones
13-05-08, 12:42
hey if health anxiety is anything like social anxiety, u just think things are going better and then wham another thought emerges.

i believe that anx is a lifelong condition, that we have to learn to adapt our behavior, face our fears and continue living.

it will not go away we just learn to manage it differently, recognising the signs and trying to prevent worry with rational thought.

im not saying dont get a lump checked at all, cos i would worry about a lump too, just that it may be health anxiety.

what about making an appt with the nurse and letting her examine u?

take care hun


13-05-08, 12:48
Thanks milly.
I have had the dr feel it last year---but obvioulsy they dont prod and poke the way i do!!! I am having to press and poke really hard and there is the same at the other side.I have had a full blood count done and had my neck x rayed plus 3 drs feel my neck and stuff!!!
I am also just waiting for CBT----just not sure if i am now starting to concentrate on something else. You know, first my neck, then my armpit and now groin. My biggest fear is lymphoma so it did become a 24/7 worry but just recently i havent been as bad.