View Full Version : Heart attack fear

13-05-08, 16:13

Not posted for a few months. I am currently going through a bad time at the minute. Have had GERD problems (hospital appointment for camera 3rd June) last two weeks have started with severe anxiety borderline panic attacks. These attacks have been started by tense jaw pain in chest area (top left) aching arms general body tense (fear of dropping dead with heart attack).

My question over the last 18 years I have probably had about 4-5 ECG'S bloods all clear. I had a full blood count done last June liver kidney cholestral etc all good plus ECG about 12 months ago (clear A&E)

Could my constant worrying about GERD/Throat problems over 6 months caused significant problems with my heart? (blood pressure is quite high due to current anxiety).

Now getting frightened to excercise although I play badminton twice a week (2 hours) and football (2 hours).

Do I go to A&E to get an ECG or do I await my Camera test results and then ask GP for full heart tests. Very confused tghinking this time it might not all be anxiety muscular etc.

Tried REIKI don't think it has done anything for me.

Any comments advice would be most appreciated please?



13-05-08, 17:57
Dear Uppy, I am having the same worries and the same pain in jaw and chest. I know it's easier said than done not to worry but I would just like to pass a little bit of reassurance that I have had given to me. You have had all those ecg's done and they pick up any abnormality in the heart if there was any. They have been clear, let that reassure you. I know it's hard when you are really anxious but hold on to the evidence to challenge the anxiety. Pain can be cause by muscles in the chest and the jaw contracting due to anxiety. Bpd here too, and I know that it is not an easy time. Try to do relaxation exercises once a day to give those muscles some relief. I wish I could be of more help but I am going through the same right now and I know when the symptoms begin how convinced we become of our life being threatened by our bodily symptoms. Do what someone told me too, read the other posts and you will find you are not alone and that anxiety causes all and more of these horrible bodily symptoms. I wish you a good recovery. Take care.

13-05-08, 21:37
Thanks Janni for taking the time to reply!!

I am supposed to be doing a Manchester to Blackpool bike ride for cancer research in July. Got my bike out tonight and did 13 miles in 1 hour 10 mins now feeling a bit strange had to push myself though

Cathy V
14-05-08, 08:57
Hey, thats so great...13 miles! not much wrong with your tickker then:)

Best wishes
Cathhy xx