View Full Version : please help me, i'm very panicked

13-05-08, 19:12
Hi, guys, I really need some help now, I'm walking around here panicking, i don't know what to do, i feel really scared...
I just started feeling like there's something in my throat again this morning and now about half and hour ago it started feeling worse, it's weird to explain, like air is pushing from below on my throat, and the feeling was in my stomack too, that one i can't explain, but it just feels it is difficult to open it up when i'm trying to breathe in deeply. Then this thing started to make me gag, like i'm gonna throw up and cough at the same time, and i would all get the goose bumps when that happens, and it comes every couple of minutes...I just keep pacing around panicked...

13-05-08, 19:20
millie... take some big deep breaths nice and slowly. i know your finding it hard to breath deeply but stop pacing and panicking, sit down or lie down, close your eyes and try to relax a little.
easier said than done i know but the more you panic and pace you wont feel any better.

13-05-08, 19:33
Thanks, Rascal, I really tried to breathe slowly and calm myself down, but I couldn't do it properly coz my stomach feels like it's ina twist or something...I feel like I need to cough something out, when it gets me gagging it finishes with a cough...The feeling of something pushing from below my throat on it, like air was so strong and the gagging...well i felt like going to the emergency, i am trying to calm down and not think that anymore. I do have little burps as well...

13-05-08, 19:41
try it again, lie down and close your eyes,try rubbing your stomach thats what i do when it feels like its in a twist. at least your trying to calm down you seem better than when u first posted ur thread. what about listening to some music, something to take your mind off it. nothing horrible is going to happen to you and it will go away. just try to stay calm.

13-05-08, 19:42
hi Millie

When i have a panic do, i chew on airwaves chewing gum as this helps with my breathing as they are menthol, and also they stop your throat beeing dry which helps with the gagging. Burps will be because you are overbreathing taking in too much air,

Deep breathing helps me, i sit down place my hands on my stomach and breath in and watch my hands raise and i breathe in this focuses my mind on breathing, then when i breathe out i my stomach goes back down, the important thing is to slow your breathing down if you can.

Hope this helps from Claire xx

(and remember u arent alone)

13-05-08, 19:53
the idea of chewing arwaves gum is a brill idea claire. ill remember that one for future reference.:flowers:

13-05-08, 20:05
Thanks guys for the support...I feel a little calmer, but the feelings are still there, especially my throat...I read about people feeling tightness in the throat and like something's stuck around where adam's apple is , but it is still not easy to cope with it when u feel it and it won't go away...

13-05-08, 20:18
Hi Mila

I get that odd feeling in my throat alot. Sometimes it feels like a lump and sometimes it feels like something is stuck. I find a cup of tea or coffee helps as does sucking a sweet. The best thing I ever did was buy myself a Nintendo DS, I get so involved in playing a game (I love Spyro!) I forget about my throat.

Take care


13-05-08, 20:19
Ooops sorry, I meant to type Millie, excuse the mistake!

13-05-08, 20:33
Don't worry Harli Mila is my nickname anyway :-)
Thanks, it does make me wanna drink or suck something or just eat something, but it doesn't really make it go away...
I'm in the middle of the exam week, and when it started this afternoon,I just thought I will have to go to a&e and won't be able to focus and do my thursday exam...
I did have the throat feeling before, i posted on it, but it was just in the throat. Now it feels different, it feels like some air is stuck in the pipe all the way to my stomach...it's really weird to explain.

13-05-08, 21:07
Hi Millie

I know exactly what you mean about feeling like air is stuck further down I have had that too. I find sucking a peppermint can sometimes help the air bubble its way down as does massaging the area where it feels stuck. Rescue Remedy pastilles are very good too, I always have a tin in my handbag, I think I am getting addicted to them :-). Burning jasmine oil is very relaxing.

Good luck with the exams, you will be just fine.

Take care


13-05-08, 21:51
good luck with your exams millie, you will be fine.
hope you have relaxed a little.
burning jasmine oil is a good idea, it is very relaxing, or take a bath with some relaxing oils.

take care.:flowers:

14-05-08, 08:34
Thanks, guys, I managed to do a little work yesterday and calm down, although the throat is still bothering me a lot. Thanks for all the advices, I shall try it. I really have to pull myself together today and do some revising for tomorrow...I hope I won't have yesterdays episode again :-( Just need to not let the throat get to me...:-(