View Full Version : New member

13-05-08, 19:15
I have recently found this site.
My name is Roger, I have suffered with anxiety/panic attacks and agoraphobia for around 17 years.
I have not taken any medication for the last 5 years (I never found medication really helped me)
I am trying to go out everyday, some days I am managing to go out and do quite well(even going into the local shops and driving my car etc) and then other days its more difficult to go out which is frustrating.

13-05-08, 19:37
Hi Roger,
Welcome to the site, Everyone is great here and you will get loads of support. Well done for getting out and about.
Love Hazel xox:bighug1: :welcome: :bighug1:

13-05-08, 20:12
Hi Roger,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

13-05-08, 22:44
Hi Roger

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

eternally optimistic
13-05-08, 22:52
Hi Roger

Welcome to NMP.

Hope you find the site helpful.

Remember what you said "some days I am managing to go out and do quite well(even going into the local shops and driving my car etc)". You must be
working hard at it. Keep it up and you should remember these times to keep your spirits high.

Good luck.


13-05-08, 22:57
hi roger

13-05-08, 23:04

Welcome to the forum. There are lots of great people here to talk to I'm a reletively new member and already I've found it a great help.

14-05-08, 00:37
Hello there Roger!!!

Welcome to NMP!!! :) :) :)

You will find alot of support and advice from us all and also from the helpful information around the site.

It's extremely good that you're able to get out about hun! That's very good. But as you said there are days where it feels much more harder and frustrating. We will all help you through these days and provide support.

Take care for now, and I hope to talk to you soon in the chat room,

Wolfie xxxxx

14-05-08, 01:45
hello roger and welcome..i wish ya well.........linda

14-05-08, 13:03
hiya Roger :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all about things.
love and happiness
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


16-05-08, 11:23
Thank you for the supportive replies.