View Full Version : Does anyone wake up with a burning sensation all over ?

13-05-08, 19:17
Hi all

This may sound strange and I've not been able to get any clear answers from my GP or foudn anything on the net, but I've been suffering from GAD for the past four months now and sice day one I've been waking hourly during the night initially with panick attacks now I just wake and fall back to sleep again. But when I finally do come to the morning I get a strage burning resless sensation all over - a bit like restless legs but its everywhere including my brain if that makes sense. I goes as soon as I get up - problem is it starts at around 4:30am :weep: I'd love to blame it on the meds but its been there since before I was put on those.

Answers on a postcard......

13-05-08, 23:04
I used to get this when I was in bed, or after a panic attack, and it too would leave if I got up.
It passed after a few weeks! :)


13-05-08, 23:05
Post card to follow...

I get a strange feeling in my arms and hands it feels like electricity under my skin. Sorry this is the best description. I only get it sometimes it usually acompanies the tight forehead and chest tightness. Its as if adrenalin is rushing around under my skin. Really wierd sensation that makes my finger tips slightly sore as well as the end of my tongue.

How about anyone else.


13-05-08, 23:06

Thanks for the reply - I get that too - but I also get this feeling when I've just woken up - very strange :wacko: but it's not killed me yet :yesyes:

07-06-08, 13:42
I got this whole body burning at one point a couple of years ago, it was horribly frightening... But there is nothing specific that has such symptoms beside anxiety, and it did go away. Sometimes it comes back when I have anxiety, but since I know what it is it's not as bad.

As for the tongue... I was in fact here checking if anyone had had the strange tingling sensation around the tip of the tongue that I have when I have anxiety

12-06-08, 09:37
Can I ask what your burning is like? That may sound a rediculous question. I have started getting burning in my wrists and joints and am petrified it's something awful. I ache all over as wel. All my muscles and my back aches.

28-06-08, 23:55
Hi there, I have woken in the night with all over burning feelings on and off for a couple of years- worse on my back but all over really. I had shingles earlier in the year and thought it was to do with that, then I thought it was allergy related but am now sure it is anxiety. Sometimes I take a couple of paracetamols and try to relax and go back to sleep, and that works, but the more I think of it the worse it gets. I am reassured to hear your posts folks :)

25-04-12, 14:55
Quite possibly stress related, but my experience seems to have more to do with diet. The whole nutrition/allergy/what you eat is what you get thing. Its really just a little frightening to me that all this food we're eating now has been doctored a little to much. First and foremost, absolutely no high fructose corn syrup. Cause its killing people. Next, no product containing high fructose corn syrup. Next, no corn syrup period. Its definitely kind of an allergy thing only worse, cause its digestion related. Guarantee you to be free of heebe geebes at the mental wake up zone. The next step will be easy to see once you get the message and stay on course. Good Luck...and by the way, this is just the beginning of your spiritual journey.