View Full Version : Full/blocked ears sensation

13-05-08, 19:24
Has anyone experienced the sensation that their ears are blocked and need popping, similar to how to how your ears feel when you go up in a plane but only in normal everyday life. I have experienced this on and off for probably over ten years. I can feel my my ears pop when I yawn but they seem to re-block pretty soon after, not to a point of really affecting my hearing but just so I have a sensation of my ears being full.

I have heard this is related to and common with anxiety but I would appreciate any input/feedback.

13-05-08, 19:34
i too get this ear problem, its weird, i cant explain it but, just thought id let u know ur not alone.

it sometimes really panics me, but really i no its just another symptom.

keep ur chin up mate

13-05-08, 19:56
Hi Grover,

I am getting this too occasionally, but only in my left ear. Before I had my first real panic attack I was convinced I had Menier's Syndrome, because I usually got dizzy as well when this happenened. If you get dizzy, that might be a route to explore.
In my case it turned out to be panic related, though.
Hope that helps.


13-05-08, 21:07
:D Hi Grover i get this mainly after standing up if i have been sat down for a while or if i go upstairs, occasionally, not always.

Does the same happen to you ?

It is probably anxiety related !!


13-05-08, 21:16

I've got it permanently and its driving me nuts, it feels like my head needs emptying, its also affecting my throat.
i had an inner ear infection a while back which caused me vertigo but none of it has gone away. So i know how you feel

my anx is just adding to it

Di xx

13-05-08, 21:38
I'm like you diane I have not been free from ear trouble for months now and it is so annoying, everytime I get a cold the ear blocks and I feel all clogged in the throat. Even antibiotics didn't shift it.


13-05-08, 22:00
Hi all

Yip I've had thos for a couple of months now just another symtom of anxiety I think. Although my anxiety started with an inner ear infection that gave me pannick attacks and the anxiety has nver gone away. I'm still not convinced that it hasnt done some kinda damage to my ears.

Problem is as soon as you mention the word anxiety to any doctor they tend not to explore any other route than anxiety, I guess this does come from years of experience weighed against the likelyhood of you having an illness.

It is very frustrating though I'm just waiting to break a bone and see them put that down to anxiety :yahoo:

14-05-08, 01:43
I agree with Dave here. I had labyrinthitis first a couple of years ago, with that came vertigo, and then on and off over the last couple of years balance problems and dizziness which obviously made me more anxious and dipped my self-esteem until the final stages were reached last summer with a full blown panic attack. Once that was out I'd been having a funny relationship with my GP about any other aches and pains I might have.
Now, I get a blocked ear or dizzy and panic or I panic and get dizzy/blocked ear. The joys :blush:
I would certainly get your ears checked, just in case.

14-05-08, 19:31
i've had this they said it was an ear infection the full sensation has gone away but the unsteadiness and dizziness hasnt really gone, grrr and usually only rears its head when i am anxious.
good luck

14-05-08, 20:49
Yes I have this all of the time, its never gone. Drives me mad.

I have seen an ENT consultant and he said nothing is wrong.

15-05-08, 21:57
Hi, I have this most of the time too. Sometimes feels like my head is just full and I feel as if I am in a different world, dizziness and just a general feeling of being off balance The more I panic and get anxious about it the worse it seems to get. Also been to ENT and they say nothing wrong. Given up now and try to live with it. Forgotten what its like to see the world with a totally clear head!! I don't know what I have done to deserve this!!

Been suffering from Hayfever for a couple of years now and decided to see the doctor, he gave me some antihistamines. I took one yesterday and although they said they were non-drowsy, they certainly weren't!! Felt awfull all day, dizzy, tired and palpitations, this is just typical of me!! Now terrified to take any more. Oh joy of joys!!

You've gotta laugh!!

Jodie:blush: :roflmao:

15-05-08, 22:30
Hi Grover,
My ears do that too when i get up out of bed or if i stay up late and go to bed my ears feel blocked.:weep:

31-01-09, 22:24
This is another one of those things that you get with anxiety that sounds completely ridiculous and harmless to anyone else but can be really unpleasant to the sufferer. I end up focussing on the fact that there is "pressure in my head" and that it must surely be an impending stroke/anurism. No idea what actually causes it (possibly connected to shallow breathing?) but have come to accept its just one of those things that you get with anxiety. First time i read about other people getting it was such a relief because you don't often hear about it being a part of anxiety in most literature etc. Worst panic attack I ever had I was at A and E and amongst other symptoms trying to tell the doctor my "ear was bleeding"- it really felt like that. He gave me a seriously strange look, got his microscopy thing out to have a look and of course it was fine!

02-03-10, 20:03
When you do the 'hold your nose and blow' thing are you ears supposed to be clear? I'm doing it and getting a lot of pressure come to the surface of my ears, like it wants to escape.. and slight crackling noise. Most annoying!

margaret jones
02-03-10, 20:20
Hi I have a similar sensation in my ears feeling full also dizzy .I have seen a E N T Dr who said it was a problem within the ear / balance bits but nothing to be concerned about , he organised me to recieve Vestibular training at the local Physio dept . This was all about learning how to compensate for the vertigo by relearning how to balance ( sounds wierd i no but cant explain any other way ) We had to walk across a bar/walk in and out of obstacles / sit on a swingy stool and turn 360deg slowly and try and stay focused other things where on ffer but some i was unable to cope with , but it did help me to stop worrying about it so much and Go with it and accept i am a dizzy person also not to make any sudden twists and turns .

Hope this helps a little Maggiexxxxxxxxx

03-03-10, 12:32
i get this all the time mainly when im in bed at night! and im led on my side. i alwayts thought my head was blocked and full of preasure! glad ive seen this =]

20-09-10, 13:21
I recently just cleaned my ears of wax and for the last hour my hearing has been a bit rubbish in one ear...I have a bad cold/blocked nose is it normal? :ohmy:

20-09-10, 13:26
I recently just cleaned my ears of wax and for the last hour my hearing has been a bit rubbish in one ear...I have a bad cold/blocked nose is it normal? :ohmy:

Yes, completely normal. Any sinus issue creates ear problems as all the 'tubes' are linked so don't worry, that will settle once your cold runs its course.

I often have popping ears, particularly on one side only. This week it has been playing up badly with hearing loss so I popped some Otex ear drops in and it has settled it down. I think it is just a build up of wax, that's all.:yesyes:

20-09-10, 13:26
I get this, sometimes daily and almost always just in my left ear. It's annoying and can make me speak strange because my volume perception is off. I'm thinking anxiety or allergies.

20-09-10, 15:55
I have a vein at the side of my ear that pulses..and when I blow my nose I also get the ear numb thing too..but I have had the cold on and off all year..spring colds, summer colds..any bit of stress, excitement makes the vein pulse and can cause me ear issues..it's a strange set of symptoms. :blush:

29-05-11, 20:17
i have this too and your sinuses feel pressure too not good but part of anxiety i dont no hen iut goes i really dont but looks like alot of people have it on here.Any suggestions of things use lot do to help this xx

07-08-14, 14:50
so wonderful to have stumbled across this forum. Even though these posts are from 2011 I had to post to say just knowing I'm not alone is such a great feeling.

I had my right ear block up 3 weeks ago and it had happened a few years ago where the ent put me on prednisone and it restored my hearing as well as took away the blockness.

Well this time it was different . The blockness never went away BUT during and still up to this day I have had my anxiety and panic attackes return full blown. It's a vicious circle the more my ear feels blocked the more I feel panicky and anxious. The prednisone really made the anxiety and panicky feeling much worse after I stopped it on Sunday.

I am going back to the ent has he said if it did not clear up he would send me again for an MRI but added since I have had this condition originally 10 years ago he is not concerned it is anything and the MRI is just to cover his butt he said laughingly.

In the meantime since my panic and anxiety is at it's worse I actually purchased the Charles Lindon method as a last resort and its actually helping me to calm down and deal with my condition without having to resort to going back on my paxil. Getting to 5 mg 3 times a week is a whole other withdrawal ordeal that took me 3 years to do.

God bless to all and thanks for letting me know I am not alone. I agree blocked ear is not talked about a lot when searching for information on blocked ears from anxiety.


07-08-14, 15:12
I am having blocked ears now as well. Both ears and discomfort as well. No effecting on hearing that I can tell ~ but this fullness that comes and goes and the occasional ears aching.

Frustrating and scary.

08-08-14, 23:33
I'm another one who gets the blocked ear/popping bubble in my ear. I went deaf in my right ear a few years ago. It felt full and blocked, and there was some tinnitus too. GP said it was eustachian tube dysfunction, probably a result of a virus. It took three months for the eustachian tube to unblock, but ever since then the bubble in my ear returns when I exercise. The past couple of years though, the bubble has become more frequent, and isn't linked to exercise. It is a nuisance as it affects me most days, and I have no idea what it is. Glad to know I'm not alone!

18-08-14, 14:34
so wonderful to have stumbled across this forum. Even though these posts are from 2011 I had to post to say just knowing I'm not alone is such a great feeling.

I had my right ear block up 3 weeks ago and it had happened a few years ago where the ent put me on prednisone and it restored my hearing as well as took away the blockness.

Well this time it was different . The blockness never went away BUT during and still up to this day I have had my anxiety and panic attackes return full blown. It's a vicious circle the more my ear feels blocked the more I feel panicky and anxious. The prednisone really made the anxiety and panicky feeling much worse after I stopped it on Sunday.

I am going back to the ent has he said if it did not clear up he would send me again for an MRI but added since I have had this condition originally 10 years ago he is not concerned it is anything and the MRI is just to cover his butt he said laughingly.

In the meantime since my panic and anxiety is at it's worse I actually purchased the Charles Lindon method as a last resort and its actually helping me to calm down and deal with my condition without having to resort to going back on my paxil. Getting to 5 mg 3 times a week is a whole other withdrawal ordeal that took me 3 years to do.

God bless to all and thanks for letting me know I am not alone. I agree blocked ear is not talked about a lot when searching for information on blocked ears from anxiety.


update just had a hearing test last week and my hearing is normal so the ENT is sending me for an MRI on Oct.14th but already told me he expects it to be normal. Now from what I am looking at on the web many people are saying the blocked ear feeling could even be a TMJ problem which I had in the past. Just bought the sleepright mouthguard this morning which is supposed to help and hope this is a quick fix to the blocked ear issue if it is related to TMJ. I'm grasping I know but I hate this feeling. Keep telling myself the doctors are missing something and ya I know that is just my own anxiety kicking in again.


18-08-14, 15:57
Yup def can be from TMJ!!! My blocks have gone away almost totally, tells me a lot has to do with anxiety and stress as well. Still have to yawn to clear them up though. My doc said allergies can play a huge role too.