View Full Version : Youtube..

13-05-08, 23:24
Hi all..

Just advertising my 'new' vlog page on youtube. I am basically chatting about life with agoraphobia/panic and some normal stuff too.

I am a big bumbling idiot and really not very good at it at the moment, hopefully i will get better....who knows?

Anyway, take a lookie if you like!
There's not much there right now, but i'll be updating as often as possible :)



13-05-08, 23:54
I tell you what, you was pretty confident. Well done :)


14-05-08, 00:07
Ha..confident...you have got to be kidding, i was wearing adult size pampers!!!! I was pooping myself, it took me many times to get it right.

14-05-08, 00:29
Awww, hey hun, just had a look at your blogs, and Jaco is right - you were pretty confident!!

I also think that it's an extremely good idea to set up a blog, it must make you feel better talking about what you are going through and it will also make others feel better in seeing and hearing that they aren't alone, etc etc.

Well, I think you've done extremely well, you should be proud, cause I am :)

I wish you all the best for your future updates :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Wolfie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

PS: Your bag is very very cool!

14-05-08, 00:36
LOL..isn't the bag so cool?
Thank you for watching :)

14-05-08, 01:01
very brave well done

14-05-08, 01:31
hey sarah that really touched home......that was very outstanding.. keep it going..i wish ya all the best im sure ya gonna be free from this soon............Linda xxxx

14-05-08, 04:25
hey well done sarah, i watched ya vids on utube and well just to say i am here for ya if ya need to talk anytime

and i think ya did a fantastic job on the vblog keep it up and will look out for new updates

many thanks for ya blogs


14-05-08, 13:59
well done...that was brill

love dawny

14-05-08, 15:23
Wow Sarah, what a very very brave thing to do. I thought you came across quite relaxed and confident too. please keep us updated on future blogs hun.

Love Lisa

14-05-08, 15:59
Hi Sarah

I have to agree you did look very confident, WELL DONE it takes a lot of courage to do something like that, i know i couldnt.

LOL about the bag though, you look nothing like the pic, you are much more prettier !!

Thanks for sharing will keep an eye out for your update:)


18-05-08, 11:00

You may not believe this, but this is amazing. I admire you so much. Also, I know this doesn't help, but you look very in control and cool in both senses of the word. So when your feeling afraid, please remember nobody knows except you.

Again, just amazing and well done.

18-05-08, 13:24
Aww well done Sarah - that was very touching and you came across very confident. :hugs: :yesyes:

Keep it up!

18-05-08, 15:00
hiya bluebell i watched your video on how it all started for you, ive left you a message on there. and ill keep looking for new ones you add.
best of luck with your recovery hun, you can do it. and ill also add that i was amazed by how calm you seemed, i would have been a stuttering idiot or had a giggleing fit like i tend to do when i get nervous lol. you did great keep them comeing.
take care


18-05-08, 18:44
I am humbled.
Thank you all.

21-05-08, 20:42
PS: Love your sense of humour and the swearing lol.

21-05-08, 22:14
I've just watched all your vlogs ........ outstanding!

Dont ever believe you arent confident, you appear so to me and many others from what I've read.

Also what I watched came across as the 'real' you. I so wish I could act like that instead of putting barriers up and being embarrassed of who I am and how I really feel.

I'll look out for more posts .......... good luck! :hugs:

21-05-08, 23:03
Thank you :)

Pink Panic
22-05-08, 09:01
Hi Sarah,

I too watched your vlogs and thought they were absolutely brill. I agree with the others that you come across as very confident.
I have read your blog too and when you say you are ugly, you are definitely WRONG, you look great. :yesyes: Looking forward to watching your updates. :hugs:

Love & Hugs

22-05-08, 10:36
Thats very kind of you to say, but i know that i look repulsive. When you're told that you are ugly from a very young age until this very day, why would so many people lie be lying to me? They wouldn't.


Pink Panic
22-05-08, 10:53

Take it from me, you are NOT repulsive. How people have said that to you i don't know but these people are not worth knowing. If you need any evidence to back up the fact that you ain't ugly then look no further than that lovely wee fella that you produced.


22-05-08, 16:39
My son is handsome :)

22-05-08, 16:48
bluebell , you are a pretty girl , (it takes one to know one) :roflmao: .
seriously , you look confident and pretty :flowers:

22-05-08, 17:01

Sorry. I can't help but laugh. If only you could see what i can see. I have terrible terrible awful (acne) scaring ALL over my face. Its good lighting and much make-up covering that big mess.

Even my husband thinks i should have a chemical peel to sort out my skin!

22-05-08, 17:03
What gorgeous jewellery Mirry. Loving those heart pendants.

I make a lot of my own necklaces too. When i am making it looks like a bead balloon has exploded in my house ;)

22-05-08, 18:32
:yesyes: :hugs: hey sarah, been busy and not on nmp for a while - just atching up with posts now and saw yours, you remind me of an old freind of mine - looks wise. and i agree with everything that has been said - you are very very good socially at hiding your anxiety:yesyes: i havent looked at all the vlogs so i havent seen the bag??? but the couple i did see, you are very interesting, very normal, very pretty and have ALOT going for you - even the fact you can do all this stuff on blogs and youtube is an achievement, you could make all that ability work for you:yesyes: i havent been here like i said, but i wanted to ask if you dont mind, how the time went while your OH was on holiday?? take care ,emma:hugs:

22-05-08, 19:05
The time my husband was away......was PEACEFUL!!!!!!!!

Now, my mother is away.. :(

22-05-08, 19:24
Bluebell , when I hoover my house I always hear the beads going up the hoover ,lol. Look forward to your next update :flowers:

23-05-08, 09:53
:) hiya, im guessing that it will be a bigger challenge for you with your mum away then? however if you say that you found your time peacful with your husband away that surely means you are feeling better in yourself now and so are better placed to deal with your 'safe' person (your mum) being away? or maybe not, but i find these days that people feel less and less 'safe' anyway?! im less inclined to rely on anyone the stronger i feel and the better able i am at challenging my negative thoughts and beliefs? tc, emma, am going to look at your other vids later today:yesyes: :hugs:

23-05-08, 09:58
By peaceful i meant NO moaning, NO whinging, NO arguing. Thats why it was peaceful :) Since he's got back, he's turned into a monster...moaning ALL the time. Its driving me up the frigging wall.

The first couple of days with my ma being away is always hard, not just because i don't go out while she's gone, its the fact that i talk to her a lot and i miss having someone to talk to. As i have said before, i don't have any friends and apart from my husband, my mother is the only other person i speak to.

I am just trying to upload a vid now. Its taking ages.


23-05-08, 10:09
:winks: hey sarah i knew why you said it was peacful - i know you and your hub have a less than supportive situation - im the same, same with no friends also:blush: but i also read tha tyou were worried how you would be when he was away? so because ive not been on nmp i was interested to know exactly how you did react to being alone.however you do have your mum, so i am sure that it is hard for you to be without her? hope you can get past needing her too very soon? like evryone has said you very obviously have ALOT going for you - you know sarah sometimes we are crap judges of ourselves and we are better at judging others, i think you should listen to what everyone has said, we are not lying to you and we have no reason to say you are 'nice', but the truth is you 'look' very nice and yo look very very confident - even if yo dont feel it YOU LOOK IT !!!!! i could never ever record myself like yo have done - i wont even put my pic up:wacko:so i think its relative - you have confidence, but you dont realise that other people dont have the confidence that you have, so maybe you take that for granted? believe me no matter how you feel when doing your vid blogs, you look FANTASTIC!!!! and you do have the confidence to do them!!!:yesyes: so well done, and like ive said hopefully you can challenge your energy to recovering from your negative thoughts and self perception and move forward with your agoraphobia recovery?? i wish you all the best:) :flowers: