View Full Version : Muscle Aches and pains

14-05-08, 03:26
I assume other people have these on a daily basis, but today it is really making me mad... knee aches, leg aches... arm and forearm aches, and if i breath in deep my chest hurts too.

Its like my muscles are sore/tired for a gym workout etc.. but cant be. its just so annoying! :mad:

steve :)

14-05-08, 08:17
Hi Steve,

This is a common occurance for me and I am only 28, I think it's because our bodies are so wound up all the time it hurts eventually! I normally get this feeling after a session of acupuncture and my body relaxes but then it hurts.

Can't really comment much more but just wanted you to know your not alone on this one.

Take care,

14-05-08, 08:43
Hi Steve

You certainly aren't alone with this one, I wake up in the morning feeling more tired than when I go to bed with aches and pains all over my body. At the moment even sitting in the chair is painful on my back, legs and arms. I think it is all the tension that we piled on ourselves throughout the day.
Trying to relax is agony.


Cathy V
14-05-08, 08:44
Hi Steve

Yes i agree with janie, it is because of the tension and it can effect every part of you sometimes...people used to tell me even my eyes looked tense! The chest-wall muscles can be very painful and this sometimes leads people to think theres a prob with their heart, but its only the muscles around it.

'the heart will go on!' :)
Hope this helps a little
Cathy x

14-05-08, 09:24
Yep thanks people, its good to know! :yesyes:

16-05-08, 21:41
Same here, I often wonder how I will feel when I am an OAP if I am still this achey now, haha
