View Full Version : not a good day

14-05-08, 09:41
I think it's because I have cut down on meds on doctors advice, but I seem to be overacting ,keep thinking my husband is angry with me can't stop crying today and can't get enthusiastic bout anything and I have to go to work tonight. It's all gone wrong again:weep: .
sorry to be a misery but it's just how I feel today, I really should be grateful that I don't live in Burma or China then I would have something to cry about! Prehaps I should stop feeling sorry for myself and get on with it?

14-05-08, 10:08
:hugs: Why not give the doc a call and ask if you have cut them down tooooo fast he might suggest a slight increase for a while. big hug xxhugxx

milly jones
14-05-08, 12:04
hey hun,

im on the other end, just getting my meds increased, and am v tearful and short.

i presume its the body getting used to the change.

praps a visit to gp as lindy suggests just to reassure urself.

take care hun

mill xxx

14-05-08, 13:29
While i'm not sure what you're going through, what about not thinking about the medication? Try occupy your mind with other things. I find reading a book helps a lot!

14-05-08, 14:23
hi ya burma or not everyones problems are important to them so dont feel silly for being upset and worrying, also i would say if you can stick to a routine it really helps getting up same time breakfast dressed housework what ever and mayb like i do brisk walk every day clears the head, this got rid of alot of my anxietys, hope you feel better soon hugsw xxxx
ps dont give yourself to much thinking time xx

14-05-08, 15:05
Hi Lesley

Sorry you arent feeling so great right now :hugs:

It might be to do with the meds being reduced. It might take a few weeks for your body to adjust - I dont know this for sure as I've never taken meds but I'm just going on what other members of NMP have experienced.

I think you should try and go to work if you can hun, it might be a good distraction for you :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

14-05-08, 16:03
Thanks for your replys everyone, I did go out with the dogs and husband and felt better.I will go to work tonight as we do have a laugh and that always helps. Have spoken to hubby and I had got the wrong end of stick why do I always do this is it lack of self esteem or just the side effects of anxiety? Will go back to docs and discuss meds with him although he always wants to cut me down.
Hope you are all ok:bighug1:

15-05-08, 14:09
Maybe go out with some friends...i was feeling quite down the other day and sour too, i ended catching up with friends at the end of the day and had a really good time:)