View Full Version : Need the loo all the time, worried!

14-05-08, 09:55
Hi everyone,

I've found for the past couple of weeks that I've had to get up at least once in the night for a wee, and it's not a trickle, it's a full-on waterfall! And then in the morning, I need another big wee. I don't drink that much at night so where's it coming from?!

So my first thought is diabetes. I have a stock of urinalysis sticks at home that test for glucose in the urine (amongst other things), and no glucose is detected...but do you think a blood test would be more indicative/accurate?

The only other thing I can think is that Itake the Pill, which is supposed to have a diuretic effect. But I'm on my 'week off' at the moment and it's not helped, I'm still weeing like a horse in the night.

I'm trying so hard not to google, and not to think kidney cancer/bladder cancer/metabolic disease etc etc... :unsure:

Can anyone advise me?! I'm so reluctant to run back to the GP again... :wacko:

Thank you!

Anna. x

14-05-08, 11:52

Please don't worry about frequent urination at night. I always wake 2 to 3 times in the night to wee. In a previous life I was a continence nurse specialist. I would advise you not to stop drinking fluids in the evening as this can increase waking in the night to wee. What happens if you stop drinking enough is that your bladder slowly starts to shrink and therefore holds less urine. The cells in the bladder that recognise the full feeling are therefore 'triggered' when less urine is there, so you feel like you need to wee more often. If you get any stinging sensation when you wee, you might have an infection but I would keep drinking plenty of fluids and see how you go. I am sure it is nothing serious. Take care. Michelle x

14-05-08, 12:39
Me to,:ohmy:

I can't seem to last the night without a wee either. :mad: I also find I need to go alot in the morning especially if I'm on a journey and there is no toilet I'm terrible then and like you say it's not just a trickle! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/26/26_7_6.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB) Tis amazing where it all comes from hey!:shrug:

Sorry haven't got much advise as I'm not sure either. :wacko: I just wanted to let you know your not alone hun.:hugs:

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X

14-05-08, 14:14
hiya i get that sometimes and so does my son its anxiety related please dont worry you are fine hugs xxxx

14-05-08, 15:56
when my anxiety was at it worst, i was weeing about 3 times an hour. They were not trickles either but full on wee. It is definitely anxiety, your body is preparing for fight or flight all the time and to do this your body needs to be as light as possible and therefore your body wants to discard any uneccesary fluids i think thats why is was weeing all the time.

14-05-08, 20:19
Yeah it's a common symptom of anxiety, I get it too.
I pee a lot anyway, I drink a lot of water and I'm always nipping off to the loo haha.
It's nothing to worry about :)


15-05-08, 12:07
Thank you everyone for your kind replies :)

It's good to know I'm not the only one! Though I wouldn't wish it on anyone :D

One symptom down, always more to go...!!

A. x