View Full Version : long time and then wat i hope is a blip

14-05-08, 12:21
hey everyone,
its been a veryyyyyy long time since iv been on here or written a post as iv been feeling great for months now iv come a long way and have been doing really well.

Though yesterday i nearly had a pa but was able to stop it in its tracks and now tonight i jus feel panicy and upset and i really dont know why.
part of me thinks its bcoz its coming into winter and my pa's first started in winter last yr...part of me thinks its just bcoz i havent had many shifts at work so iv just been having alot of thinkin time..and a big part of me is just really worried that im going back to where i came from. even tho iv been reassured by many ppl and my doctor and councelor that u dont go back from where u came from n its very unlikely im jus still really worried, and dont like this feeling i have and just want it to go!

Hopefully it will go when i start gettin more hours at work so my mind is pre-occupied.

if u have any similar storys and have come out the other end please let me know.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-05-08, 12:41
lawzy.....reading your post....i thought im not the only one...!!!!!

i too have been 99% panic free, for a few months then yesterday wham......now im feeling a bit scared, have i gone backwards.....

.....i think maybe for both of us it is just a blip........and if we fought it before, then it wont last.....be strong and think positive

good luck

dawny xxxxxx

by the way you will come out the other end.......

14-05-08, 13:11
thanks hun that makes me feel way better knowing im not alone.
good luck to u also