View Full Version : Another anxious moment

14-05-08, 13:58
regarding my cat.

I am hoping to get council tax and if I can get it I will get PDSA and this will pay any bills that might arise. This has become such a worry for me. I think this was the final straw (over the years I have had lots of traumas and now I have this brain tumour my daughter suffers from psychiatric problems and doesn't leave the house). I am normally laid back but when it comes to this:scared15:

I hate feeling this way.:mad:

14-05-08, 16:02
Heres hoping the council tax people come up trumps for you and your lovely cat xxhugxx:hugs:

14-05-08, 18:48
Heres hoping the council tax people come up trumps for you and your lovely cat xxhugxx:hugs:
Thank you I am only claiming it for the PDSA as the amount I would get off my council tax is very small.

It is strange how some people are anxious about one thing and some about something totally different. For example I am due to have a MRI next month to see if my brain tumour has grown and I haven't given it a thought but I can't stop worrying about my Siamese's welfare:shrug:

Thanks for the hug I need it.:yesyes:

14-05-08, 18:53
Oh a siamese we used to have two a seal point and a chocolate point, I fully understand your worry about yours, they are such beautiful creatures. xxhugxx:hugs:

15-05-08, 12:39
Oh a siamese we used to have two a seal point and a chocolate point, I fully understand your worry about yours, they are such beautiful creatures. xxhugxx:hugs:

I have become obsessed with his welfare now and constantly worry about him.:scared15: