View Full Version : Indigestion - been to the doctor - now I'm googling!

14-05-08, 17:36
Oh no, :ohmy: here I go again.........help me to stop checking Dr Google!

I've had indigestion now for 8 days, very full, bloated feeling, in the upper part of my stomach, just at the bottom of my rib cage, sort of like where my bra sits. Oh and very gassy - want to burp a lot :blush: . Over-the counter meds werent working so today i went to the doctor. He had a prod and poke and asked all sorts of questions and has given me some strong antacids to help. He's also ordered blood tests for pancreas and gall bladder "just to rule everything out" - now I'm worried and guess what? I'm already googling "indigestion+pancreas" and indigiestion+gall bladder" and that's right, it's all cancer related, so now I'm getting myself in a tizzy and worried sick now that I've got cancer somewhere in my stomach area given me these symptoms.

Has anyone else had indigestion for so long but turned out to be harmless? Thanks for any advice :flowers:

15-05-08, 09:24
anyone :unsure:

15-05-08, 09:34
Hi Jenny,I am having probs with my posting at the mo, so if this reply comes in with nooo spaces in it at all, I'm sorry, not sure how to fix the prob LOLMy daughter suffered with this, on and off for a long time, she did have lots of test and checks, all came back negative.This symptom for her, was anxiety related, the pain would get sooo bad at times, by heart would go out to her, she was put on acid meds for a long time. This symptoms is not as bad these day, it still can happed, but goes and does not last as long. This happens to her when she is under stress or feels anx in a certain situation.Please, please DON'T google hun, you know your feeding your anxiety.It is good to hear your gp is giving you a check, peace of mind goes along way.There are a few thread on hear about this problem, I feel thay maybe in on the symptoms page.You not alone with this prob hun,Hope this helps a little, even if its just knowing your not alone.You take careLOVE JILLXX

15-05-08, 10:11

PLEASE DON'T GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its officially banned LOL.

I have not experienced problems with indigestion, but its positive that the doctor is checking everything out.
I know Indigestion can be anxiety related.

Hope you feel better soon

15-05-08, 10:34

PLEASE DON'T GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its officially banned LOL.

I know it's wrong :weep: I've already convinced myself it's some form of cancer causing it.

15-05-08, 10:34
HI Jenny
Sorry to hear your suffering, it's horrible I know. I have had indigestion for years because of anxiety. The doc put me on Lansoprazole about 8 years ago and I take 15mg tabs daily. The trouble with indigestion is that it mimmicks so many other more serious conditions that you panick even more and so the symptoms get worse. Try not to google, the medication will help and I'm sure the results will be fine.
Take care

15-05-08, 10:44
omg :ohmy: plz tell me i didnt see in ur post that you are googleing:mad: :lac: . this is not going to help you at all it will ony make you feel worse. i think dr google and anx are the evil twins lol. bigs hugs for you hun :bighug1: i know how distressing this symptom can be as i get it often enough. i think anx sufferers have a symptom that plaques them the most. mine is the lump in the throat symptom, bloody thing dont seen to give me a break for long but it comes back. my daughters is bad headaches which leads her to believe she has a brain tumour.
when i get the acidy/pain symptom(which is always on the left side)i find staying away from spicy food and drinking some milk about 15 mins befor a meal helps. milk lines the tummy wall and helps with acid. i hope this passes for you soon.
love and happiness
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


15-05-08, 10:50
Hello jenny:hugs: indigestion..oh my yes it is so common on here hun.The symptoms are all the same ..i have had it for 23 years and have been dying at least that long!!It is scarey but trust me it is not cancer hun:flowers: Instead of googling ,look out the symptoms page on here and you will see that the feelings you have are all associated with nervous anxiety..the bloating[soda water is good for that ..makes ya burp:blush: ]the full feeling the pain in the ribs that you describe..all acid indigestion..HONEST.Feel better soon.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxx

15-05-08, 10:58
Emira is right, i banned googling :yahoo:I also had something very similar to you a while back and like you, they ordered blood tests but all came back clear. i still get it from time to time and it's horrible but i don't panic about it now because i know it's nothing serious.

Please quit googling hun because we tend to add one and one and come up with ten :doh:

Love Lisa

15-05-08, 11:06
thanks guys :hugs:

I dont think my indigestion is stress/anxiety related though. It came on last week and has been there constantly, like a bit knot under my breastbone, like someone is apply pressure, it's horrible.

I'm trying so hard not to worry myself and not google but it's so difficult not to, especially as the symptoms for pancreatic/stomach cancer are the same as the ones I'm getting :ohmy:

15-05-08, 11:23
Trust me hun it IS related..it starts like that ..just comes on mine was the same..honestly!Your decrition is EXACTLY the same as what i have that awful knotted feeling..te more tense you become th worse it can be Jenny so try and take some warm fluid and relax if you can..we do know how you feel hun:flowers: take caren .love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxx

15-05-08, 12:06
Hi Jenny.

I'm not going to pretend that I know what's causing your problems, but I just had to reply because you're describing EXACTLY my own symptoms! I get the knot under the breastbone, the feeling like someone's pushing a fist into your tummy just there, the gassiness, the discomfort, the nausea, the twisting, gripey feelings - you name it.

I've had a battery of tests, ultrasound scans (for gall bladder problems) and have taken strong antacid drugs, and nothing has indicated a serious problem (touch wood...us health anxiety sufferers are superstitious, no?!). It's something that seems to be anxiety-related for me, and can take a looong time to subside even after the panic has gone and I'm feeling calmer (I mean, weeks and weeks).

I hope this helps to reassure you a little bit. GPs often think that tests will help reassure people like us, but sometimes they're more harm than help, especially if the GP has no reason to suspect anything serious. Your GP probably thinks he's helping you but he might be doing you a disservice...

As others have said, make sure you eat regular small meals, eat slowly, and drink plenty. Keep active cos it might help distract you. Wait for your bloods and if anything comes up (which is unlikely), you can start appropriate treatment. :)

Take care, big hugs,

Anna. x :hugs:

15-05-08, 12:22
Thank you. Your posts have helped me and I feel better now I've aired my worries here :flowers: . Trouble is my hubby works away from home so I always come home to an empty house - which isn't good when you've just been to the doctors. So of course the first thing I do is jump on internet and consult Dr Google :lac: Hopefully, touch wood, the bloods will come back clear, I'll stop worrying, and it'll go - in an ideal world eh? But I'll have some other health issue to worry about next week :blush:

16-05-08, 13:44
I have had the same symptoms and all my bloods were fine.

I had the following ticked on my blood form...fbc, ferritin, liver function, kidney function, CPR, ESR, TGA and renal profile. What were all these testing for, does anyone know? I know what FBC & ferritin are. Would these tests be able to pick up gall stones, pancreas (SP) probs etc??

All my results were normal, I rung after 24 hrs and they were back.

Good luck.

16-05-08, 20:45

Me too. I know the docs are aware I have SA and so dont leave anything to worry about. They ticked all the boxes also, the ferritin is a small rodent, sorry your iron count for anemia LOL. Something veggies and women should be eating plenty of iron rich food. Ebery time I go they take my ANX seriously not the symptoms but the two come hand in hand and so without all the tests you question them and so make ther life worse and so why not do the tests anyhow.

Try Pepsi, It works great for me.

Take care.


17-05-08, 15:04
just like to say im there with you!! i had the most terrible pain in my stomach years ago and was rushed to hospital..big mistake. I had to have an endoscopy when i was admitted and a scan. barbaric for me but hey i lived. they found i had gastritis(sp) i think its an inflammation of the stomach or some such thing. i take lansaprozole 15mg daily.
but the worst thing i learnt from all the drama is that i get indigestion real bad, i mean this week alone ive had at least 4 attacks of angina!lol. depends sometimes on what i eat, and sometimes on how tense i am, sometimes i recognise it for what it is and others ........well its my heart, or lung cancer or some other cancer. but hey for the most part im well and take gaviscon liquid which to me is a miracle cure.

the other cure is total relaxation, i do my cd and its gone like magic. i hope your okay, but part of our health anxiety is thats what we do, read a catostrophe in to everything. and im with the others on Dr Google, i have to resist real hard not to do it.


17-05-08, 15:10
please do not worry and dont google its the worst thing to do. wait for the test results as they onlt take about 4 or 5 days i had all those done and i was panicking and i was fine although i really thought something was wrong it turned out to be anxiety. so no googling and keep busy and take yr mind off thinking to much, do anything puzzle crossword emails, housework go for walk is always good. hugs xxxxxxxx

17-05-08, 21:40
I had it for over a week and was convinced i was having a heart attack, i had pains down my left arm it was keeping me awake at night. it finally went away when i relaxed and stopped worrying. i'm sure mine is anxiety related. hope it goes soon.

16-06-17, 01:45
I know this is an old thread. But I'm adding this in here because so few people ever come back to update on what was truly going on to put our minds at ease. We go on fearing that we'll forever be a medical mystery.
So, I'm in the middle of my 2nd attack of indefestion related to stress and anxiety. My first attack brought me to a Ct scan, abdominal ultrasound, and endoscopy along with bloodwork. Nothing at all was found and after 2 1/2 weeks it passed just as quickly as it began. This time it's been about a week and counting. I found so much comfort reading this after "googling" for answers.
This kind of stuff is scary and real, and we need to remember that anxiety just makes it all seem way way worse!

16-06-17, 05:20
My wife had it off and on for the last two years, went away as quickly as it came on. She attributed it leaving to a new diet she started that has her eating small amounts every two hours. She did it to lose weight, but the added benefit is that she has settled her stomach too.

She is 43 and likely perimenopausal if that matters. What you describe is almost exactly how she described it too.