View Full Version : really bad day today

14-05-08, 19:41
hi everyone,
today is the worst day i have had for a long time,i have really got myself in a state,i could cry at anything,even in my lunch hour today i was sat in the back room crying my eyes out.im so fed up of feeling like this, i cant look forward to anything because i just think i wont be here much longer,im scared i wont see my kid grow up today is awful,why cant i listen to my dr and trust her?i really dont see a way forward at the moment or me ever feeling ok and looking forward to things without thinking ill be dead by then,soory for the long post but i just dont know what to do


14-05-08, 20:08
Hi Jennie,

Keep doing what you are doing.
Post on here.
Get in the Chat Room.
Draw strength from the members here who have been where you are today.
Not all our problems can be resolved in one day but they can only last for one day at a time.
Tomorrow will be a chance to be stronger.
Best wishes,

14-05-08, 20:37
hi jennie im sorry you having a down day, hopefully if you get a good night sleep tomorrow you will wake up more positive try having a walk in the morning if you can it always sorts me out if i am low or just keep busy so you dont have to much time to think to much, here if you need me hugs xxxx

14-05-08, 20:53


I'm really sorry your feeling so bad at the moment. Have you got some good friends/family or partner you can talk to about how low you are feeling? Your really do sound very depressed to me hun and i hope your not going through this on your own.

Please keep posting and we will do our best to give you all the help and support you need.

Lots of Love

15-05-08, 22:22
Hi Jennie,

Sorry you feeling real bad at the moment. You will get good and bad days, but we are all here to help you and keep posting.


09-02-10, 20:22
Dear Jennie,

bad days are awful aren't they, I call them a snow ball as they seem to get bigger and bigger.
I wanted to let you know you are in no way a lone in feeling like this. I too have had a bad day, my husband gets so annoyed with me which really doesn't help.

Take care

10-02-10, 17:58
Awww I am so sorry to hear you are struggling so much. Your post almost brought tears to my eyes actually, because I so know what you are feeling..... I could have written the same thing myself. I can't really lend any advice except I compare feeling like this to a fever: it's awful - unbearable almost - but eventually it breaks and you feel better, calmer (albeit for a little while, if you're like me!). Just keep posting on here. This site is literally a lifesaver for me. hugs. xxx