View Full Version : please help me im scared??

15-05-08, 01:55
hello all well i keep havin panic attacks not every day but near enough i think stupid things like worlds ending and i worry about dieing i worry wen weather is to bad with wind rain etc, i have just had a panc attack now hench why its 2am and im still awake it seems mostly to happen when im going to sleep i hate feeling like this and feel really stupid i used to have them years ago when i was 10 till 12 but they stopped (now nrly 21):shrug:

15-05-08, 06:56
Hi Angeloutahell,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
A good starting point would be to access the main Forum and check out the Symptoms pages.This will help you see that you are not alone in facing this condition-this is where I started when I came here! I felt such a sense of relief at finally realising that I was not alone in what I was feeling.
The Success Stories showed me that we can recover and lead active,healthy lives and are very inspirational.
Well done for posting about your problems
Best wishes,

15-05-08, 09:45
Hi and :welcome:

Hope u are feeling better this morning

You will get lots of support here, we all going through the same things.

I am so grateful to have found this site, id be lost without it

love mandie x

15-05-08, 09:54
Hiya hunni,

hope you feel better this am.

I too have started having p/a's near enough everyday and have these thoughts - weird.

Are you having any particular stress or extra stress in your life atm?

XCassi xxxxxxx

15-05-08, 13:27
I hope that you're feeling a bit better now that you're well in to the day. My wish is that you fall fast off to sleep tonight, and sleep throughout the night soundly and undisturbed. Follow the suggestions of others here for resources to help you in times like these. And remember . . . although they may visit often, they are temporary in nature. There's always a better day (and night) coming.

15-05-08, 19:35
hello thanks for all your messgs i have got a lot of stress atm i have lost my friends baby who was stayin with me she died nrly 7 weks ago and i tryedx to revive her i am about to move 100miles away to go in a domestic abuse refuge and loads of other stuff has happened i feel so alone and so i dont know any more .........:shrug:

Granny Primark
15-05-08, 21:08
Hi angel,
Its no wonder your suffering at the moment.
Youve come on this site and you will have loads of help and support from members on this site.
You arent alone trust me as long as you can get on the computer and come on here.
Please feel free to pm me or add me to your msn.
Ive made friends with people on this site who have given me more help and support than even family members.
Its cus we understand what panic and anxiety is all about.
Until youve gone through it you dont fully understand.

Hope you are feeling better.
Loads of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and good wishes.


18-05-08, 21:40
You wont get much help from here IMO..we are all different and none of us can truly understand what each goes thru,there is only one cure..we HAVE to not be scared..very easy said..but you have to do it...drugs are for people that have an addicting personality...on REAL cases they wont work as you would fear the drug.

23-05-08, 19:30
hello srry net was dwn du to moving the panic attacks have been getting wrse jus latley every day nrly nw its really getting me down i try to tell my mum she says im being silly ??? i feel stupid

25-05-08, 20:43
Hello Angel,
I have only just been introduced ro this site by a lovely lady called Lynn,(bless you Lynn).Angel I am sorry your Mum is reacting the way she is doing with you ,please listen to me ....YOU ARE NOT BEING SILLY...it is my belief your Mum is the one who is not only being a bit on the silly side but she is being downright unkind to you.You have to have been in the situation to be able to understand it and how it makes you feel,your Mum sad to say is being a bit on the silly side because she is not even attempting (from what you say )to learn about your problems of Panic etc .Most Mums willingingly do this in order to be of help and support to their Daughter /Son.
I am a retired lady of 71 years of age(a young at heart Lady ) with my own lovely family,and I would do anything to help any one of them in this situation.I would NOT tell them they were being silly.
If I can be of any help to you please feel free to PM me,I make a good listener,and I know what I am talking about I have been Agoraphobic now since 1964,but I also know how to deal with it and the ensuing panics.Self help..and the support you will get from this site,will help you in a way you never thought possible.I also have IBS which is another problem that I have learned to deal with.
Take Care

25-05-08, 23:17
hi angel hope you feel better soon . hang in there it will pass ......:yesyes:
laura xx

25-05-08, 23:23
hi angel i am sorry you arr going through such an awful time you will get lots of advice here and sometimes just writing it all down and talking helps a great deal. pm me anytime you want to talk or u just need a friend hugs xxxx

26-05-08, 20:50
Hey Angel,

I've had anxiety and anxiety attacks for close to a year now. I know that it can be extremely scary and at times it seems like it will never end, but you will not feel these things forever. It takes a lot of hard work, but we can overcome it.

For me, the things that have helped the most have been:
-Learning about anxiety (causes, symptoms, personal testimonies)
-Self-Help program by Lucinda Basset: Attacking Anxiety and Depression
-A personal relationship with God
-Combatting my fears and anxiety with scripture
-Daily exercise (This is so important)
-Eating right (No sugar, Alcohol, Caffeine, Lots of whole grains, drink water)

I hope you can take away something from my experience. I still experience anxiety, but it is a lot better compared to a year ago. View it as a challenge. This WILL make you a better, stronger person.

God Bless,