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15-05-08, 08:24
Hello Everyone. Feeling really low over the last couple of days and panicking again, really worried about my hand. Posted a couple of weeks back because of my hand twitching, thank you for your replies on this.

This has now been replaced with hand shaking when I hold it out, when I hold my two hands out my right hand is still but my left hand shakes a bit (like when you are nervous). This is really worrying me and dare not google it. I even had a dream out it last night where my hand was shaking so much I had to sit on it, well at least I think it was a dream!

I really want to cry, not felt like this for a while as the medication has really helped but today it is all getting to much.

Thanks for reading.

15-05-08, 08:37
:D Please try not to worry. I also get this with my one hand but it seems to have now disappeared.

I am pretty sure this is one of the dreaded anxiety symptoms.

Take care
Mandy xx

15-05-08, 08:38
Hi turnthelighton

I go through phases where my legs shake and the more I worry about it the more it shakes, sometimes it gets so bad especially when I go out that it feels uncontrollable so I do sympathise with you. I also know what you mean about dreaming something is real and not really knowing if it is a dream or not I had a dream the other night that I couldn't breath and woke up in a panic not knowing if it was real or not. Our anxiety plays all kinds of tricks on us. Hope you feel better soon.


15-05-08, 13:51
I experience the dreaded hand-shaking. Happened to me at dinner out last night while holding and reading the menu. It's more a bit embarrassing than anything else. It usually happens when I feel that my "nerves are bad". Believe it or not, sometimes sitting quietly for 10 or 15 minutes -- with no outside interruptions -- can help to lessen it overall (for a while, at least).

15-05-08, 17:12
My hands shake terribly when I suffer anxiety (but they also shake a lot after using the computer a lot). They also shook as a side effect of Citalopram.

Try some relaxation CDs Glenn Harrold or similar - I found that really helped - it is not until you really learn to relax that you find just how tense your body is all the time -which can lead to aches and shaking.

I found the move I concentrated on the shaking the worse it became!

16-05-08, 09:07
hi i get this all time especially in the morning one hand shaking even my lips shake weird but it is anxiety x

16-05-08, 09:36
I get this whenever I am overstimulated, watching a film or even the news on TV. Try sitting quietly and breathing slowly

16-05-08, 09:38
I get the shakes, i feel like im shaking inside all the time even when i dont think my anxiety is high! If i hold out my hands i can see them shaking, my legs do to, sometimes they twitch!!!. It really bugs me, i think learning to relax more is probably the answer, but i havent learnt to do that yet!!! You arent alone i promise you xxxx

16-05-08, 20:52
Rest easy,
Its the adrenalin that causes the muscle ticks. Have you tried beta blockers?
They can sometimes work. Exersise burns off the excess adrenalin. I get it when I am excited,anxious or generally over stimulated. I had a bit of road rage the other day, sorry that sounds bad, I had it directed at me and even though I am an x rugby player I found when I came to write my insurance details down I could not write as I was shaking that much.

If you relax it will ease.

Love to all.


17-05-08, 13:14
Hi, yup, I've had this too - seemed to be particularly bad when I had my week long freak out attack (which featured many many worrying symptoms). I also got a weird, 'deep' trembling in other places too.

I am on beta blockers and they worked very quickly for me - found them to be very effective. Still get the odd symptom but now very low key.

take care

17-05-08, 13:16
Oh, forgot to say - exercise is brilliant for anxiety. I was a committed gym-a-phobe now I'm there 3 times a week (more if I have time). Totally gives you time out from the relentless mind chatter!