View Full Version : feeling down

06-04-05, 17:15
hi feeling so down today. woke up this morning and again the first thing i focused in on was my breathing had a weird feeling again in my nose like its went soft and cant feel the air im breathing and i feel suffocated. ended up phoning for an emergency appointment at the docs to get my nose checked out and been feeling so nervouss and anxious all day :( its wearing me down as its making me so tierd and i feel ive slipped back to not wanting to do anything.:( why does my nose and breathing feel so soft and suffocated? will this leave? can it really be anxiety that does this as it feels so real? i just cant understand why i want to keep feelin air going in and why i keep thinkin about feelin air :( so scared

caz x

06-04-05, 17:27
hi caz,

yes anxiety can do all those things it is best to get it checked out if you are really worried, try to focus on other things anything that will take your mind of your breathing,,i know its easy to say but the more you think about it the worse it will be hope it goes ok at Doc's good luck just take nice slow long breaths in and out,

take care xxx

kairen x

06-04-05, 17:29
Hi Caz

Anxiety does make us focus on different aspects of our health closely and it can become a bit obsessive which seems to me that is happening with your breathing. You wont stop breathing hon and try to relax and not focus on it too much.

Hope the doctor can put your mind at rest.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

06-04-05, 17:46
Hi Caz

Sorry you are feeling so down. Anxiety can make you focus on health issues but what you described can be down to anxiety.

I hope seeing your doctor helps to put your mind at rest.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

06-04-05, 19:22

best to get it checked out by the doc then he will be able to reassure you.


06-04-05, 20:16
hi Caz,

Good luck at the doc's!! I'm sure that you will be reassured that nothing is wrong with you..

Sarah :D

06-04-05, 22:31
Caz i have replied to your more recent post.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.