View Full Version : Cant Breath Properly

15-05-08, 15:25
:weep: hello guys
Can anyone tell me if they have the same problems with thier breathing as i do? this has been going on for about 6 months now, i usually start off with a tickle in the back of my throat that then makes me cough and so then comes the feeling of oh my god i cant breath, am i going insane or what?? would love to know how other peolpe cope with this problem.
P S this isnt the only symptom i have but its the one that i really cant cope with

15-05-08, 17:30
Dear Polly

Yes I get this lol sometimes I say it feels like I have had some feathers shoved down my throat other times it is just an annoying tickle and then I cough and my heart pounds when I panic with it and I cant breathe and my eyes water and I cant even take a sip of water

I have found the only way to stop it is to try and relax as best as possible and to sip honey with lemon juice and water (boiled but cooled)

Love nooeyxx

15-05-08, 19:28
Dear Nooey
Thanks for your reply, i will def give the honey and lemon a try

Thanks Again POLLY xxx

15-05-08, 22:14
hi, yes i too have suffered from this when my anxiety levels are severe. i had it really bad last week and was going to the drs every couple of days who eventually put me on propropranol for a couple of weeks till it settled. i still feel it coming back a bit now and again if i'm really stressed but now i recognise the symptoms i try to switch off completly and relax and have some time for myself as i really dont want to be that ill again. it scared me to death as i'd never had it before and i was convinced thre was something really wrong with me.


16-05-08, 08:48
hi polly as you know i suffer everyday with this its so awful ,hope it goes away soon for you , if ever want to chat you can always message me and ill reply take care

amanda xxxxxxxx

16-05-08, 21:39
Yes, my anxiety always effects my throat too. I am with the honey too, but with blackcurrant.

Best wishes.