View Full Version : Wisdom Teeth Need To Come Out?

15-05-08, 18:54
Hello all,

I'm getting to the age of 18 and i have been told of a lot of friends that my wisdom teeth HAVE to come out when i get them is this true or are they trying to scare me,

as i hate the dentist!

Thanks Callum
PS.New to the Forum =)

15-05-08, 18:57
Hi Callum

Not they dont have to be taken out if there is enough room for them to grow. I had to have mine taken out but that was because one was growing sideways.

Dont let people worry you, and if they were compacted in your mouth, you would be in alot of pain, my jaw used to hurt

Hope this puts your mind at rest

Take Care

from Claire

15-05-08, 19:05
Wow i feel a lot better now thank you clairev. :D

15-05-08, 19:05
I never had mine out, they only have to be removed if there is no room for them to grow or that they are growing at the wrong angle.:yesyes:

15-05-08, 19:18
Hi Callum,

My friends used to say things like that to me too as I am V scared of the dentist.

I had to get 1 out because it was rotten but the others are still there. I don't seem any wiser having them though!!!!!!

Take Care Hazel xo

15-05-08, 19:28
hey callum, i'm 20 and my wisdom teeth are only just coming through and they are quite annoying and painful at times but i never notice them really.

i shouldnt listen to your friends they are probs just scared of it themselves just let them beleive it and see how they are, hehe nooo thats mean. tell them you asked the dentist and they said yes u do and ur not allowed an injection or sumthing, lol see how pale their faces are hehe

15-05-08, 21:24
Hi Callum:D

Im 45 visit dentist every 6 months and still have my wisdom teeth:yesyes:

No wiser tho lol

Kaz x:hugs: