View Full Version : What a pain in the you-know-what!

15-05-08, 19:04
Well I've had anxiety/panic for 17 years and I've been getting better at being out and driving short distances. I've even gone back to school to get my nursing degree. I'm too old for the sh@t!! haha

Problem is that I think I've taken on too much and now I have to make myself get out of bed and I find myself bursting into tears for no reason whatsoever!!

I put so many things off while I was really in the throws of the anxiety and left the financial responsibility of providing for the family on my husband so I want to contribute. But now I'm working 2 jobs which is about 70 hours a week and soon I'll be going into the next term at school so I feel so drained all the time from trying to do everything I need to.

I know I need to cut back but I feel like if I quit the job then here I am again shirking the responsibility and leaving it all on my husband yet again.

So so many years he had to do everything cuz I wasn't able to go out much. For 4 years I was housebound and he took care of everything that wasn't inside those 4 walls!

I just feel like now I'm doing everything I need to for my family and my jobs and what I need is falling by the way side!
Selfish I know but I just feel so drained and I do still struggle with the anxiety which makes me tired!
Guess I feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't!

I just had to vent! Sorry you all :-(

15-05-08, 19:07
You are really pushing yourself. Is there any way you can cut back a bit? My concern is you reach burn out which we all know is not good. You need some rest time. You most certainly are not selfish!

Have some time out hun!


15-05-08, 19:20
Blimey Sandy :ohmy:

You can't work all those hours and on top of that do all you do for NMP as well. You will burnout mate.

You have been a real big help to me this week with the problems and I never realised you worked such long hours as well.

No-one would expect anyone to work that many hours in a week and you really do have to think about you now and try and cut something back - even if that means the time you spend doing admin things on here.

Here's a hug from me :bighug1: :bighug1:

15-05-08, 19:27
Oh Nic -
Believe it or not this is the place I come to relax!
Altho this week has been a little different but USUALLY I come here when I need to take a deep breath and be around people who understand.

Problem with cutting back is that I'm doing home healthcare and I am the only provider so there is no one to sub for me.
I took today off cuz I'm just so burned out and I just know that tomorrow I'll go into a holy mess and spend all the extra energy that I have gotten from today to get everything back to the way it should be at work!!

I am working at 2 homes of men who are unable to do certain things for themselves. One is a really nice guy who is a paraplegic and just needs help with daily stuff. The other is a crappy old fart who follows me around criticizing everything I do and finds extra stuff for me to do just to make me miserable!!
Well I keep telling myself it's only for about a year more but a year seems like an eternity right now!!!

15-05-08, 19:30
Hi Sandy,

Your body and mind will not allow you to continually push the boundaries-it ain't designed to do that.
I would suggest a chat with him indoors to see if you can find a better balance.This will give him a sense of involvement and will be good for both of you.A joint solution to this issue will give you a sense of unity and commitment to each other.
Best wishes,

15-05-08, 19:37
Crikey Sandy, a person without the things we battle against everyday would be hard pushed to do the amount you are doing without 'burning' themselves out.

I dont know your circumstances but couldnt you cut back on your hours for a while? Or take time off - we all need time to ourselves if only to recharge.

I find it hard keeping down a f/t managerial position to pay the mortgage and the bills as well as still 'bringing up' my two 20 somethings, looking after my 3 yr old niece twice a week as well as keeping the house in some kind of order - and Im not trying to get a Nursing degree either :hugs:

I take my hat off to you (or I would if I could find in amongst the boxes of packing) and hope you find some sort of solution to your problem

Take care


15-05-08, 19:55
Wow Sandy

Gosh you must be drained doing all that!!:ohmy:

Its hard enough looking after a family i class that as a full time job in its self. I only work around 20 hours a week and thats enough for me. money isnt everything hun, your health and happiness is more important so try and cut down a little before your battery runs dry.:hugs:

The other is a crappy old fart who follows me around criticizing everything I do and finds extra stuff for me to do just to make me miserable!!

Now that sounds just like my hubby !!lol

You look after yourself, sending you hugs:hugs: :hugs:


15-05-08, 20:22
Hi there!

Like you I have been in full time study and worked and burnt myself out in the process. When I decided to continue on with my education, I had a long chat with my partner about reducing my workload, i.e. paid employment. Although it meant that less money was coming into the house for luxuries and he had to more or less pay for everything, the long term gain was being short for a set period of time but better off in the future. Would it be ok to allow your husband to support you whilst you pursue your education?
For myself and my partner, we are now 3 years down the line and I start a new job on monday earning heaps more than he does lol So its swung around.
Best of luck in your studies and truing to find that balance.

Lynne x

15-05-08, 21:12
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Sandy

Try and look after you hunny:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs: