View Full Version : Some days I could scream..

15-05-08, 19:50
A couple of you may remember I was having a difficult spell with my boyfriend a few weeks ago, where we had split up due to what seemed like a depression problem he had.

Anyway I went away for the weekend to stay with a friend, came home and he had missed me, said things would change, he would help around the house more, take more responsibility for the dog etc etc.

I started my new job on Monday, which I am enjoying so far, but the downside is that I have to travel almost 100 mile round trip, which I am prepared to do due to lack of jobs where I live in my chosen career path.

My boyfriend does a fair bit of travelling with his job too, and I can now understand why he comes home so tired and ratty, but still I clean up his mess, look after the dog and everything.

He's worked late every night this week - ok not his fault but the night he can manage to finish on time he gets his friends over for a party, and lets them stay until gone 11, which I don't mind - but I am starting to now as I'm so tired and want to go to bed by 10.30.

He's turned into being inconsiderate and grumpy again, and won't talk to me, has stopped eating - which is annoying me too, as I don't have much money at the moment to buy food, and its all going to waste.

Sorry just needed a rant, I really don't need this seeting off my anx again :weep:

15-05-08, 20:46
aww hiya i does us all good to have a rant now and again and get it out your system, sounds like you both travel and work hard and probably both tired and its easy to get stuck in a rut and take each other for granted. i been with my hubby 15 years and sometimes we have to really make an effort and put each other first other wise theres no point in it all and luckily we are good but mayb u both should have a weekend just 2 of you doesnt have to cost but if weather nice a picnic in park or a walk and mayb a chat to about things too :hugs:

15-05-08, 21:37
I felt better after I wrote it all down lol.

He's never going to put me first ever, and its just something I have to get used to and live with.

15-05-08, 21:43
hiya i think in a relationship it has to be equal and meet half way on stuff and if its not i think it makes it very difficult to work and i guess you have toi think about whether you can handle that if you can then great and if you cant then i think lifes too short to feel that bad, but thats just my opinion and im not always right haha, i hope mayb you can both relax and get some time together but you are right sometimes writing it all down or talking definately helps things hugs to you xxx