View Full Version : Is it any wonder I am having PA's?

15-05-08, 21:41
Can I vent here for a moment?

As off late we have been having problems with money, my husbands company has not been doing well and lack of paychecks have been causing me great worry about our debt. I work but I can just about meet our needs, mortgage, daycare, bills, groceries etc.

So, we got some bad news last night about a project that would bring us in money on a regular basis from his company. I didn't sleep last night and I have deadlines at work, this is not good when you haven't slept for any length in days. We have family coming into town and the house is a wreck. I feel like I have to do it all alone...so thats a pain in the behind.

Then today my car decides to have a breakdown, had to have it towed home, take time of work, arrange someone to help me pick up the wee girl and get me home behind the tow truck as husband was in a meeting and couldn't get out of it. Home now, need stuff from the shops can't get there and it's raining. I feel like screaming and I am trying really hard not to lose it because my anxiety is VERY high right now.

Anyone have a magic wand?


15-05-08, 22:00
Hi Lila.. i wish i did have a magic wand, cos you sound like you could do with some good luck.. you really are having a tough time and isn't it so typical of life to just keep piling on the pressure :mad: ..... i can't help in practical terms but i am thinking of you and sending positive vibes.... hang in there...fingers crossed, the only way is up now...
Take Care

15-05-08, 22:02
Hi there Lila,i totally sympathise hun.I run my own business and things are pretty bad right now.I have two kids and have just moved house and i'm on my own.Things do get very stressful don't they?I have felt like screaming many times over the past few months.At the moment i'm having car probs as well and its going to cost a small fortune which i just don't have.One thing i am going to do is get advice from the Citizens advice bureau.Am cutting back on everything that i can,ive been getting lots of support off here too which is so important when your having a hard time.
Theres no easy answer i'm hoping things will pick up but just wanted to let you know your not alone.Hope you're a bit less stressed now.
Ali xx

15-05-08, 22:32
Hi Lila, I too run my own business. Economic and political circumstances are taking its toll on small businesses. I am also tearing my hair out waiting for debtors to pay and losing contracts as clients cut back. We just have to hang in there and hope good fortiune comes our way. Anxiety levels throught the roof at the moment.

16-05-08, 09:36
I cant help but im thinking of you :bighug1: .
I too feel like everything has been going wrong for me and my family this year, surely 2008 can only get better, PLEASE!!!!
Keep going the only way is up! :hugs:

16-05-08, 09:48
I feel like that.

Money worries is a big one for me, i live on my own with daughter, i do work part time, but i am struggling so much to cope.

I no this is prob a big factor in my panic attacks

love mandie x

16-05-08, 14:56
May I say this in the spirit of friendship:

Money worries, especially for us as anxiety sufferers, will always be a part of our lives. Truth is, it doesn't matter if a person has little money, or is loaded with money. Both instances each present their own, unique, money problems and issues. Neither are pleasant, and both have driven people to an early grave.

With that being said, I hope that your bad day reached its peak quickly, and that today is much better for you. And, if by chance today is even worse than yesterday, I hope your luck makes a turn for the better.

16-05-08, 16:03
Thank you all so much for the support I feel a little better today. I feel for you all with your own businesses the global economy is not in a good place right now.... as I well know.

Car should be fixed by this evening, fingers crossed. Cost is not too awfully expensive so that is good. It's so hard without a car and with a kid in this city. Everything is so spread out. I think the feeling of being trapped at the house without a car until hub got home was adding to my anxiety level yesterday. I still feel really jittery but I know I'll be OK.

Never2late, in regards to what you said....I was never one to worry about money, I always had enough to get by. The amount of money we have sunk into this business and the amount of personal debt we have accumulated is really very scary. Money really hasn't been something that contributed to my anxiety levels before, it sure is now!

Ugh! I wish this shakey feeling would go away.

16-05-08, 22:35
I hope everything gets back on track very soon for you. It is certainly trying times for everyone stateside at the moment, that's for sure. Glad that the car repair wasn't expensive . . . that's a shock out the blue sometimes!