View Full Version : Lump Behind Right Ear

15-05-08, 22:11
Hello all,
I seem to have Found a small hard lump behind my right ear i noticed it before it hurts a bit too but its never been there before.

I had my hair cut this week and as its been sunny and hot I've been out a lot do you think it could of been the sun what caused this lump ?
i am scared about this :scared15:

15-05-08, 22:15
I once had a big raised bump behind my ear - it was almost purple in colour and it was just a raised gland... - which went away of it's own accord.

Otherwise, could it be a spot - sometimes you can get them under the skin, and they feel really hard and hurt - but they vanish without ever eruptng, so to speak?

I would wait a few days and go to the docs if you are really worried. I doubt the sun would cause anything behind your ear, as it would be shaded by your ear - and a sinister lump wouldn't suddenly appear.

Try not to worry - I know it is easier said than done :blush:

15-05-08, 22:53
Hi .. have had the same thing its was right where the ear joins the head and it was quite large and i saw the doc who told me it was a gland that comes up sometimes, usually when we are a bit run down like when we have a cold or hayfever or even when we have slept funny. i even get it coming up when i wear sunglasses for long periods of time too so if you have been wearing sunnies, that could have irritated it cos thet rest on the gland..... and if they are quite tight, that can do it.. i always buy ones that are quite loose and it doesn't happen so often now... i agree with above if you are still worried in a couple of days, check it out with your doc but i find that a couple of days on an anti inflammatory medication usually settles it down.. oh and try not to prod it too much cos it aggrivates it :blush: ... take care

15-05-08, 22:59
I've had the exact same thing too - worried about it at the time but it had gone within a few days. :)

15-05-08, 23:00
itll most probably be a cyst, dont worry and dont touch it, keep it clean and itll pop soon enough - just puss and water in them, horrible i know but not dangerous. i had one last year infront of my right ear, was only there a week or two then it popped and went

15-05-08, 23:01
It could be mastoiditis Callum, which sometimes follows a middle ear infection. I'd go see you doc just to make sure though.

16-05-08, 09:31
i had this last week and now its gone strange but true

16-05-08, 13:37
I get these alot, its just a gland.

16-05-08, 13:45
I have had one behind my right ear since i was a kid on and off. My mum had a name for it but cant remember now what it was!!It is definately a gland and as i say i have had it for about 30 years now!!!

19-05-08, 09:11
My lump has gone behind my ear so i fell so much better now thanks for all your support!.

14-10-08, 22:13
I too have discovered a lump behind my right ear and a smaller one behind my left ear?any suggestions as to what this could be? I had flu at xmas last year and my glands were swollen pretty badly but not behind my ears...quite anxious.

They are not sore to touch,they fell hard to touch


15-10-08, 00:47
Hi snoozy - if you have matching lumps on either side then my guess would be lymph nodes. You have nodes all over the place around you neck, including just under the ear and behind the ear. Sometimes one will be bigger than the others. It may be that you had an infection, your lymph nodes came up. You might not have even noticed. Sometimes they don't go all the way back down. I have one under my ear that is bigger than the one on the other side. See your doctor if you're worried, though. :)

15-10-08, 15:51
I get these, I think they are cysts. They never come to a head but they go down after a while. They are very hard and can get sore.

15-10-08, 17:01
i get quite a large lump come up behin dmy left ear. when i go to go to the doctor it has usually gone down by the time i get there. however my gp feels it is the gland behind the ear which swells up when im run down bunged up nose wise or got a general cold etc. any lump that is not usually there that does not go down within 7days is best to get it checked by the gp or sister at your practices. if it is very painful then go anytime. it may just be something as simple as a spot, or if it happened after your hair cut, it could be an infection or even a hair that has gone back under the skin that has become infected. either way a gp or sister is there for any worries. even trivial one. if it is worrying you then just go to the gp. it is no good sitting at home worrying . either way at least you will know what it is.

15-10-08, 21:54
Thanks for the replies, its reassuring.I have had trouble wa wisdom tooth for about a year now. It is half impacted and was told that it could get infected, it seems like the glands on the same side of y neck are always slightly more noticable than on the other side?

p.s i have a bad taste in my mouth no matter how often i brush my teeth too.


15-10-08, 21:56
i had bloods done a couple of months back and they came back negative for glandular fever and the likes.

16-10-08, 21:02
went to the docs today and she suggested that i get blood taken (AGAIN) i guess thats to rule stuff out. Does anyone ever get slight neck pain at top of their spine when their glands are swollen?
