View Full Version : Hives...whyy...help...

16-05-08, 05:20
I did a bit of gardening yesterday, planted some cucumber and tomato seedlings, and I usually never get all dirty like this but there were lots of tiny bugs out yesterday and were nibbling at my arm. Well I think I got at least one mosquito bite on my wrist, or a bite of some kind. Then today several isolated 'bites' popped up on my arms and I haven't been outside and there's no flies or bugs around so I'm guessing they're hives. I got a bunch more tonight (there's only about six or seven compared to the two I had this morning) on my arms. I think I got one on my face too (either that or it's a zit, lol).

They itch like MAD and haven't stopped. I've already had chicken pox but the health anxiety monster in my head is going "WHAT IF WHAT IF". Not like I've been near anyone infected with anything and I don't have a fever...

I don't know what allergies it could have been, the only thing I have is wicked mad hayfever (which has been activated lately, I admit, even in the mornings I'm sneezing up a storm) and I don't take any medicine. I'm guessing it might have something to do with either that or something I touched in the backyard? (Our backyard's pretty wild...) Or a delayed reaction to the 'bite'? I'm a little paranoid cause the last time I thought this big ole thing was a mosuito bite I had chicken pox...I was only seven though. Traumatized...Lol. XD

In the summer I do get a different kind of hives sometimes due to the heat, sweat, and sun but those are usually tiny and located only on my hands... I also get hives whenever I take a really hot shower but they dissapear really quickly as I dry off. Sometimes my arms have kind of a dry sort of not really goosebumps but a few raised things and whenever that happens I get those kinds of hives, but this doesn't happen till it gets hot and dissapears in winter. I get like three different kinds of hives here...jeez! I've always had hive problems and skin allergies ever since I was little so it's not really a new thing but sheesh...this is a new one...similar cause I've had random isolated ones once in awhile like on my neck but not multiple ones on my arms...

Itchy...every tiny twinge I feel I'm paranoid it's a new one...

ARGH I hate having hives I always think of the worst!

miss diagnosis
16-05-08, 13:08

As im typing this i have 6 itchy hives on my arm
Happens to me every summer and they start going purple
One year in france i got one on my face that swelled my eye shut! try taking some anti histamines and buy yourself a roll on replenent.

Im very fair skinned and they seem to go mad for me!

16-05-08, 13:31
hiya hun. you will find takeing some hayfever tabs or medicain a great releaf from the hayfever and the itching of the hives. dont know why some ppl get away with getting bitten and others dont lol. app its down to the richness of our blood, the little buggers seem to know who to target lol.
i hope they pass soon for you

take care

Cathy V
16-05-08, 13:56
Hiya, I react really badly with mozzi bites and wasp stings, and they swell up really badly...don't make me feel sick or anything but can be v.painful. Antihistamnines zonk me out though, so last summer, my first in germany and the worst for mozzies in 30 yrs or something, i bought some really good creme called Zanzarin with aloe oil in it and it soothed the bites really well.

Don't know what the equivalent of this creme would be in uk, but anything with aloe oil is good, the purer the better. I remember visiting Ukraine some years ago and had a nasty bite on my hand, really painful and swollen and one of the old ladies in the house we were staying in went into her garden and came back with an aloe leaf which she split to release the oil, then wrapped it around my hand with a bandage. Within 2 hours it waspain free and half the size. the following day it has cleared...brilliant!

Hope this is a little help
Cathy :)

16-05-08, 14:24

I suffer from Chronic urticaria, where my I have had hives literally from top to bottom, its rubbish hun I know. Am at work so just wanted to do a quick reply.

Have you taken any antihistamine to stop the itch? Zirtek is a good one.
And also for the future, ask your pharmacist to make up some Menthol Cream. its aqueous cream with a teeny bit of menthol in it. Whack it in the fridge and then put it on when the itch comes on.

Don't scratch, tap whereever the itch is if you can.

Hugs - back to work now!


19-05-08, 04:21
Thanks so much for all your help everyone! They are much better now! Still freaked me out for a moment there until I realized how 'normal' they are. :D

I really don't like taking meds so I'm investing in the lotions and the aloe plant idea sounds wonderful (I really like 'natural' stuff). I also bought some bug bite itch cream except of course, the darn things stopped itching the next day after I bought it. XD But thanks for all the great ideas!

19-05-08, 08:52
hi everyone....

after suffering for years from very bad bites,someone told me too try avon skin so soft dry oil spray in fresh fragrance (blue bottle) insects hate it and it really works......its also inexpensive and if you dont have an avon rep you can buy on line........just my tip for today !!!!!!

ps i tried everything else but nothing much worked
