View Full Version : Seeking feedback from other sufferers

16-05-08, 08:32
I am an on/off anxiety sufferer for the past 20 years, mostly health related. I recently had a 'real' health problem resolved for the best but noticed that as soon as I was told everything was o.k I noticed that I started to fixate on other 'real/imagined???' body/health issues almost straight away.

Does anyone else do this? Panic about a body/health issue.....resolve it.....and then move straight onto something else. Im so desperate to just get on with my life. I keep thinking the secret now is to change my perspective on life as I think life is uncertain anyway and that there NEVER is a point in life where you can garuntee anything:) . And the only difference between us and 'mormal' people is that we think about and fixate on things that they rarely do, or that the thought comes and goes for them. What is it about us that always assumes the worst as well?

I'm just after feedback I guess. I wish all of you the best and hope that we all nail this thing sooner than later.

16-05-08, 09:00
Hi Grover. I'm just the same :weep: I hope from one week to the next worrying about something. I just get over one thing and start to feel positive but then it comes back. Last week it was ovarian cancer, the week before was skin cancer etc etc, this week I've been given medication for indigestion and the doctor has ordered blood tests just to check me out but of course I'm thinking the worse and convinced myself I've got something horribly wrong. I really dont have an answer for myself and I really try to be positive and hope that with each month that goes by, I will improve - but I'm still waiting.

16-05-08, 16:05
Hi Grover, I think like most HA sufferers you are scared not to worry about something in case you let your guard down and something really does happen (does that make sense?) I always look on the bad side and then I can't be disappointed? Crazy I know and as I am typing it I am kinda thinking WHAT? But if I have a few good weeks and I realise this I start the vicious circle of finding something to worry about again.

I am quite a new member and to talk to people who are programmed the same as me is so enlightening and therapy in itself. I am sure over 20 years you may once or twice approached the subject with your 'normal' friends and it is the look that they give you that says it all!! I don't talk about it to anyone now and make sure I fit my mask securely before I go out! But the pretence is exhausting.


16-05-08, 19:24
Hi Jodie

Thanx for the reply, I am in tune with everything you said. I have had this anxiety so long I am learning new coping strategies all the time and becoming more determined to not let it f**k my life up. We should all swap more coping mechanisms and ideas. The support on this site is amazing, so fantastic it is here.

All the best!! : )

Grover :)