View Full Version : Today I have.......Friday

16-05-08, 08:54
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumphxxhugxx :hugs:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away"

16-05-08, 08:55
The more you hold onto a particular thought, the more power you invest in it. Positive thoughts give us energy and strength. Negative thoughts rob us of power and make us feel tired and strained.


16-05-08, 12:15
Phew I managed to stand in the kitchen and make some home made sausage rolls, not an easy task when your balance is as bad as mine standing still is a nightmare. xxhugxx

Hope 2
16-05-08, 12:32
Hi Lindy / All :yesyes:

Today I have made not one but 2 phone calls I have been putting off cos of daft anxiousness I have about using the phone to speak to folk other than those I know personally . Not huge I know but it is something I guess .
Lindy...... I like the power of thoughts post , makes good sense . Home made sausage rolls , wow it takes me all my time to warm up some beans from the tin . Good for you :yesyes: especially with yr balance probs xx

Byeeeeee Hope xx

16-05-08, 12:53
Hope well done, I went through a stage where I dreaded the phone ringing and would not answer it so I know how you feel. A big thumbs up for your not one but TWO triumphs today xxhugxx:yesyes:

16-05-08, 15:00
I went to my job interview and it went really well!

16-05-08, 15:03
Well done AliciaJane wonderful news, when will you hear more? :whistles: xxhugxx

16-05-08, 18:54
Today I went to a meeting about new NHS services for people with anxiety and depression in my area. We'll see.....
Today I have felt awful again......don't want to detail.....BUT I have been in touch with two special people on NMP and one of them is YOU Lindy!!!!

Lots of Love


16-05-08, 19:00
I too have used the phone, hate talking to people I dont know, got a friend to sit with me whilst I did it, to sort out a hospital problem.
MMMMMMMMMM id just do anything for a nice hot homemade sausage roll right now..

16-05-08, 19:00
hiya and today i went to dentist woohoo, i nearly fainted but did it so im so pleased i had filling, thankyou lindy for yr emails and for caring.

also hope thankyou mate for yr email to i will email you later and im sorry to hear u feeling down but its good news about nhs service near you, you are great mate :hugs: and chat later xxxx

16-05-08, 19:05
Jesse very very well done for getting to the meeting I know how difficult it was for you:whistles: big hug xxhugxx:hugs:

16-05-08, 19:06
Alexis well done you seems to be a phone day today must be something in the air, perhaps the scent of my sausage rolls. Big thumbs up for you :yesyes: xxhugxx:hugs:

16-05-08, 19:08
Donna YOU DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic triumph for you just amazing it took so much courage to see it through you should be very very very proud of yourself :whistles: Ohh I cannot find my bell back in a mo !! xxhugxx Phew found it http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/12/12_1_212.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB) ding ding !!!!

16-05-08, 19:12
Today I have.... Been to the shops and bought a hair colour!!! Then went to another shop. Then in afternoon got my hair cut. Haven't coloured it though yet!!!!! Well done to all of you for your success today. Lindy you always make me hungry mmmm home made sausage rolls!!!!! Well done for making them with your probs
Hazel xox:yesyes:

16-05-08, 19:14
Hazel well done for going shopping, what colour are you going? Well sausage rolls are here if you would like one!! big hug xxhugxx:hugs:

16-05-08, 19:16
Going blonder with highlights. Wish me luck!!!! As long as it gets rid of the grey.!!!

16-05-08, 19:18
welldone you too making those yummy sausage rolls, you are coming on a treat. you always giving great advice and with you and one or two others on here im very lucky so huuuuuuuuge hugs xxxxxxx

16-05-08, 19:18
Hazel I gave up trying to get rid of the grey some time ago now, salt and pepper is my colour. Good luck with the colourant let us know how you get on. xxhugxx:hugs:

16-05-08, 19:59
Just deny the grey and do what I do and pretend its blonde I am trying to cover up, now even my hairdresser plays the game.:yesyes:
Yes well done to all today, :hugs:
Not only did I use the phone (which I hate) and ring the hospital (which i hate) I actually complianed (which I also hate.:scared15: ) well who wouldnt when their yearly appt was cancelled! 2 years ago it was cancelled approximately ten times,less than 24hours notice this time and all due to re structure of a clinic, maybe Im not important enough even though I have a condition which is the most common cause of blindness, sorry as you can guess Im still mad.:weep:
Going to cook now, think its too far to travel for home made sausage rolls, unless you are in Yorkshire!! :winks: Well done to all who post here.:bighug1:

16-05-08, 20:02
Alexis Yorkshire I bet you make a fantastic pudding!! I agree a bit of a distance to travel just for a sausage roll xxhugxx:hugs:

16-05-08, 20:08
My puddings are wonderful my daughter tells me,:yahoo: she wont have any bought ones,:scared15: my dad would turn in his grave, as they are soft ,soggy flat, his were fantastic, basically they are c$£p, can cook anything else tho.:noangel: :blush: :D

16-05-08, 20:58
Hi Donna, think you're getting the sheep mixed up....Jesse not Hope went to NHS meeting!!! have a good evening oxox

16-05-08, 21:13
hi jesse
i know i realised that haha sorry i have been none stop all day and was trying to quickly reply to posts, wot am i like hehe hope you ok and feeling better hugs to you xxxx

16-05-08, 22:02
Today I tried to get rid of my husband which would have been a huge achievement, but it didnt work. sob, sob.

Hey well, there is always tomorrow

16-05-08, 22:35
well done on everyones achievements today!
You are right freaked..there is always tomorrow!
Today I have...... worked, slept and had a horrible nightmare which it took me a wee while to recover from the feelings off after I woke up. Don't you hate when that happens? I helped my son finish off his dad's trifle, and it looked impressive. Wonder if I should phone and see if they are both still alive lol Oh and I ate a whole box of after eights..oink oink me LOL

Hope 2
16-05-08, 23:43
Hey all :D

I agree we all done real good eh . Group slap on the back is in order ....thwack .

Freaky , hey for somat SO big hun , u gonna need more that just one day , achievements that big need extra time :flowers:

Hope xx