View Full Version : Scared its something much much worse!

16-05-08, 11:30
Since developing panic and anxiety in February of this year I have this morbid fear that I will develop altziemers or something like that, this weird feeling that I am slowly losing my mind, I am having a mixture of good days and bad days at the moment I can get out and about now into Liverpool on my own and use the public transport but I keep getting "blanks" or confusion ie I am returning home on the train or bus and think s**t I haven't got what I went out for (I have usually got everything else) or last week I put a jar of coffee in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard

I also get spells when my concentration is all over the place!
I am only 41 and terrified of this, my kids keep ribbing me and saying its the change.:scared15: I keep worrying thinking what if I forget how to function properly!

Thanks very much


16-05-08, 11:49
hiya debbie

at times when i am stressed and anx is playing up i do just the same i walk around in a dream somtimes and ppl say to me you look miles away .
i realy do think this is all to do with over thinking and worry us ppl with anx get this a lot i think :wacko:

jodie xx

16-05-08, 12:21
Try not to think about it too much as you will get more anxiety and most people who have anxiety have really bad short term memory anyway, it's because were not able to concentrate properly and our thoughts are somewhere else, like thinking we are sick or we are concentration on our bodys functions rather that what's going on around us.

Take a visit the the Dr and he/she can advice you properly.

Also unless you have a family history of alzhiemers, try to relax

16-05-08, 23:31
Debbie, I was scared to death that I was losing my mind, and that there was something physically or emotionally wrong with me above and beyond the anxiety. There was a long period where my mind would drift into a lot of 'what ifs" when it came to my sanity, such as what if it isn't really anxiety, and there is something organically wrong with my brain that is above and beyond an imbalance in my nervous system and my neurotransmitters.

Fortunately, between my doctor and the chance to interact here and elsewhere with other persons who are dealing with anxiety/panic disorder/agoraphobia, I have come to trust that the sometimes precarious grip I have on my sanity is all part of the upsurge in anxiety during a panic attack.

Accepting this in my heart and in my head has helped to curb the strength of this fear, although it is still there and I think it will always be part of the way I experience a panic attack - at least for however long I continue to have them.

It is still scary, but little by little I am learning to manage these feelings when they come, and make it through until they begin to back off. Talk with your doctor about what you are feeling - a change in medication may be in order, or perhaps some therapy or relaxation techniques will help in your situation. Different things work for different people, so don't be discouraged if the first treatments you try don't do the trick. There is something out there that will help you through this.

17-05-08, 19:54
Dear All

Thanks for the advice, to be honest I went to town today to take some blooming skirt back to Primark bad idea the place was heaving dead hot and the queue for customer services had about 60 people in front of me I kid you not, the place was getting hotter and hotter, I was feeling very very anxious, i tried to think of something else and eventually got seen to and just wanted to leave then I negoitated three floors of screaming babies, irate mothers and giggly teenagers to outside and actually tuned into what I was feeling, I could feel the hyperventilation (not breathing deep enough etc) realised I was starving went to a packed restaurant had something to eat and drink and calmed down, I actually tuned into the panic attack thinking no blooming wonder I can't think straight I am actually working myself up more and more, anyhow continued shopping etc and went and bought some bach flower remedy (the girl on the till in boots said oh my nan uses this!) will try this and some relaxation techniques I think the what ifs are a bit like the games kids play with themselves re walking on cracks in the pavements - that sort of thing weird isn't it.

once again thanks for all your support people
