View Full Version : The dentist

06-04-05, 20:19
Went to the dentist and Of course had a PA. Thank God I was able to control it somewhat. But in my mind I kept thinking ,"Would they understand if I jumped up with my face completely numb and just scream I can't do this!!!" I also have PA's when I am getting my hair cut. This is SOOOOO frustrating and very depressing to me. [V] Can someone relate?


06-04-05, 20:22
hi Tessa,

I have the same problem at the dentist but am normally ok at the hairdresser's. I think it's because we feel so trapped in the chair with no where to go. You managed it though so well done!!

Sarah :D

06-04-05, 20:27
Hi Tessa,

I can certainly relate. I have had attacks recently in both the hairdressers and the dentist surgery. Haven't managed to understand why the hairdressers should bring them on but I think it is to do with not being able to get up and walk out without everyone thinking you are odd. A feeling of being trapped. The dentist is a normal fear really so I guess if you are a sufferer of panic attacks then it is likely to bring one on.
By the way I am embarrassed to say I actually did walk out! LOL.
Well done for managing to control your attack!

Annette x

06-04-05, 20:28
Hi Tessa,

I used to get PAs at both these places. It was because I couldnt leave whenever I wanted to. Kind of like claustrophobia in a lift.

I still get panics at the dentist, but dont expect to get over this as I have always been terrified of them.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

06-04-05, 20:40
I think it might have something to do with the cape they put around you at the hair dressers. It is so tight around your neck.


06-04-05, 21:37
Hi I am the worlds worst at the dentist. I have to be in real agony before i can even go near one. I am 56 so when i was young the dentists where much more scarty than they are now and i always had gas as i would never had stayed awake. i remember having my arms strapped to an upright sort of chair and they put a metal object with spring on to keep the mouth open. then the gas took a while to work and u thought u was choking and fighting to get up. The dentist is so much easier nowdays but I think the early days of dentist has stuck with me. I to have had a panic about 3 years ago in a dentist he realy hurt me with the drill (his assistant was away and i think he was rushing) I got up he shouted and said i could have broke the drill and caused an accident. I swore back at him and was banned from that dentist lol. take care. Vernon

07-04-05, 01:43
The same with me too tessa. I always have a panic attack in the waiting room of the dentists. I used to when having my hair cut too so I just shave my own head now! It's the same in the doctors surgery and anywhere that I feel I have to be until I've seen the person I'm waiting for knowing that I can't just leave.

As you can see by the rest of the posts, you're far from alone with this one!


07-04-05, 03:12
Hi Tessa

I'm the same with the dentist and don't go unless I really have to.

I've also had panic at the hairdressers too, although have recently been facing my fear of this. What causes the panic for me is my social phobia and the fear of having to talk, as well as having attention focused on me and someone in my personal space.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-04-05, 15:13
thanks for all your posts and support. It makes me feel better to know that I am not alone!!![:o)]


07-04-05, 15:33
Explain to your dentist about the panic attacks. They will take extra care of you, make sure you can get up for a walk if you need to, and generally be nice. You will also feel better because your "secret" is out in the open.

Tell everyone about your panic attacks, it really does make things easier.


"I'm dancing through the fire, just to catch a flame -
an' feel real again "


07-04-05, 20:55
I can't stand the dentisi either....Have a fear of them always have done.

Will only go if I am in alot of pain.

I do have little panics at new places but after a while they will calm down after I get to know the people

with good wishes


12-04-05, 15:33

I can definatly relate....Ive never had any problems or fear with the dentist until a few months ago just after i started suffering with depression / panic.

I had to have a small injection for them to fill a hole, and after this when witing downstairs i hada panic attack to the point that i nearly passed out and was violently sick in there flower beds outside!! [Oops!]

Everyone there was lovely and really looked after me and said that if i wanted i could come back another day to have the work done, but i knew that after going thru this, it would only happen again if i went back, so bit the bullet and got it over with.

The staff there were so lovely and caring and lickly i was with my dad too!!

Unfortunatly now ive had to change dentist as my current onmes gone private, so im bit scared now about going to the dentist!

Tatty B xx

12-04-05, 17:50
Hi Tessa

Oh yes the dentist is a really interesting place to sit whilst having a pa. I remember having a filling and my heart was racing I was sweating and all I wanted to do was put my hand up so she stopped and I could run home. Why oh why dont I look after my teeth better. It really makes you wonder. Try some rescue remedy before you leave just before you go in and after you come out. Works wonders.

Take care


12-04-05, 18:09
I have to go back today too, because they have to adjust the work they did, my bite is a little off. I have felt panicy all day. I used to never have problems with the dentist until myPA's started. Wish me luck!LOL:D
