View Full Version : Whats the best therapy?

16-05-08, 21:22

Just reading all these threads and I cant stop thinking that all us HA suffers aren't doing ourselves any favours by obsessing over health issues. Easy to say I hear you all say,

I find the following bringing on the symptoms:-

Feeling a pain or strange symptom (oversensitised)
watching health articles on TV.
upsetting news.
Family saying they dont feel well.
Reading these threads.
going to the docs

I am not a health proffesional but I feel that as long as we have the all clear we should ride the urges to do the following:-

Google the symptoms
Look for the symptoms anywhere (inc here)
see the docs
sit in and drown in self pity

My symptoms go when I am occupied with something I enjoy.

So how come I am here? Well sometimes I want to relax and that is the worse time. I find myself unable to switch off and that is when the symptoms seemingly coome without any prompting except having a break and trying to relax. I have found that I have to occupy my mind even to relax. I have to force myself to concentrate on something to stop the over active mind and so my mind will never rest and that also feeds the over active state. The only way I can get any peace is if I try to meditate. This causes my mind to slow a little and start to rationalise things.

Hope you are not yawning by now.

Peace to all.


17-05-08, 12:44
:D Hi Meewah mine seem to get worse when i am sat on my own with nothing to do. The mind starts wandering so i have to get up and distract myself.

Anxiety arghhhh !!!!

Mandy xx

17-05-08, 13:47
Very truw, for instance today I got the papers, and then read an article in the magazine about a lady who has something wrong with her heart that has caused her to die twice. Luckily her husband as resuscitated her and now she has a pacemaker thingie that shocks her.
However my biggest fear is dropping dead, along with heart stuff. So now I am panicking again.
I am also waiting for someone to come along to have a look at my car with potential to buy and thats doing my head in as well!!

So if my car gets sold, I am going to get the bus and go and indulge in some retail therapy!!


17-05-08, 15:24
hiya mee, just to say i am exactly the same but not with health anxiety but with general anxiety and stuff. i have to keep busy all the time and i cant even relax properly to watch tele, mad isnt it hehe. i walk loads and run after the kids, housework ad everything else luckily keeps me busy and im knackered by end of day xx

17-05-08, 17:54
:D Hi Meewah mine seem to get worse when i am sat on my own with nothing to do. The mind starts wandering so i have to get up and distract myself.

Anxiety arghhhh !!!!

Mandy xx

I'm like that all the time now :wacko:

18-05-08, 04:22
If I am not doing anything and have time to think, I tend to start "feeling" things and it gets my anxiety worked up. Defintely watching certain shows on TV that are medical related or hearing about illnesses etc. Unfortunately we are all going to be subjected to these things pretty frequently so it is something that we really have to learn to take in stride and deal with. I hope that there is an answer for us all